The Kejriwal Government is about to complete one whole year. While the leftists and non BJP goons hail him as the greatest of secular champions the more realistic of analysts agree that he has become the new distributor of Imaandari certificates for those who are either convicted in corruption cases or are charges with the most serious of economic offences. That being said, the only success of the Kejriwal Government is that it has been a great entertainer in the last one year. Today we saw protests outside the CM Residence as angry sanitation workers demanded their due salaries from a CM who has the potential of raising MLA’s salaries by 400% but cites paucity of funds when he has to pay the MCD workers.
Amid all the controversies, the cardinal sin committed by the Delhi Government has been conveniently yet unfortunately ignored by the Media and all the political outfits. This has been the denial of Kejriwal Government to pay for the services of those who clean the city which produces a plethora of waste. Among all his political blame games, this sure has been the most ruthless. The MCD workers strike is their final attempt to get their salaries. Such inhumane politicization by the Kejriwal Government has a multitude of implications and we have already seen some of the adverse effects in 2015 which are thus discussed below.
MCD workers strike: No dignity of labour
AAP and all similar anti BJP Political Parties call themselves ‘Socialists’ and greatest supporters of the Dalits and backward classes. There is a great paradox and contradiction in what AAP does and what it claims. It claims itself to be an exponent of ‘Swarjya’, the act of increasing the Delhi Legislators’ while denying the hard earned remuneration of sanitation workers tells a completely different story. Instead of fulfilling his lucrative pro aam aadmi promises of bringing down the chasm between the highest and the lowest state officials in a revolutionary manner, Kejriwal has done the exact opposite. His acts are actually an antithesis of his promises. Before the Delhi Elections, Kejriwal claimed the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi several times, who himself was a great exponent of dignity of labor but the act of betraying sanitation workers proves that Kejriwal only used Gandhism and never actually became a Gandhian.
MCD workers strike: Stinking Delhi and deteriorating National Image

In 2015, Kejriwal repeatedly denied funding to the debt trapped Municipal Corporations, his argument being that he is not obliged to follow Constitutional Provisions of financing the Local Authorities because Modi is in power at the Centre. The net result was continuous MCD Workers strike which meant ever increasing piles of garbage through North and East Delhi.
When we talk about a stinking and filthy Delhi full of indisposed garbage, we have to remember we are talking about the National Capital of the Country. This sends out an extremely dark message that India out of its political trickeries is not capable of keeping even its National Capital clean leave alone the remote and the isolated corners of the country.
Delhi goes through a rough patch of increasing Dengue infection especially during Monsoons annually. This cannot be tackled unless the streets of the city are free of any sort of waste. Kejriwal’s adamant attitude of not funding the Municipal Corporations to settle political scores poses a threat of an epidemic for the next 5 years when he will remain in power.
Kejriwal fails on all grounds while defending his act of not funding the Municipal Corporations, whether morally, legally or politically. It is not a valid argument that Central Government has cut funding for the Delhi Government and the Delhi Government cannot in turn finance the local authorities of Delhi. We know from 2015 that the coffers of Delhi Government have sufficient funds, when the taxpayers’ money can be used in hiking the salaries of Delhi MLA’s by 400% and more than 500 Crores can be wasted in the ‘Hum Kaam karte Rahe’ propaganda of the AAP in name of governmental expenditure. The Delhi Government can obviously release sufficient funds so that the MCD workers are given their legitimate share.