BJP symbol and history of party
The system of election symbols for political parties in our country is for the convenience of the voters. Its basic purpose is that such voters, who do not recognize the letters, will vote for their favorite party or its associated leader after seeing the election symbol. This is the reason why the election symbol means a lot to the parties, because it becomes its identity. After independence, where the election symbol of Congress changed at least twice, the BJP also did not remain untouched by this change. In this article we are going to talk about BJP symbol and it’s history, origin and everything you want to know about.
The present Bharatiya Janata Party ie BJP was established in 1980. But 29 years before this, Dr. Syama Prasad Mukherjee had laid the foundation of Bharatiya Jana Sangh in 1951, which later became BJP. In those days, the election symbol of Bharatiya Jana Sangh used to be ‘Deepak’. The ‘lotus’ that is blooming today, was eager to burn as a ‘lamp’ then.
BJP symbol and history –

Jana Sangh to Janata Party and ‘Haldhar Kisan’
After the Emergency in the year 1977, there was a big change in the politics of the country. Against the Congress an atmosphere was created across the country. In such a situation, the process of making Jana Sangh a ‘Janata Party’ started. Many other parties merged with the Jana Sangh and then its election symbol was changed from ‘Deepak’ to ‘Haldhar Kisan’.
Also Read: Syama Prasad Mukherjee – the man who created the first big alliance against the Congress party
First session of BJP and Vajpayee
After this the Bharatiya Janata Party was established on 6 April 1980. In Mumbai The first session of the party was held. It was presided over by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. During this, the election symbol of the party was changed once again and it became ‘Lotus’. Experts say that the party did not choose the lotus flower as its symbol, but there is an interesting story behind it as well.
Importance of lotus flower party
It is about 1857. During the Sepoy Mutiny, chapatis and lotus seeds were used to transmit information and messages. After this, when some people rebelled against the British, they openly used the lotus flower as a symbol. Most of these rebels were upper caste British Indians, especially Brahmins. They did not want to use animal skins and weapons made from their products.
‘Kamal’ means party
The founders of BJP also chose ‘lotus’ as the election symbol because it had been used earlier also against the British rule. Not only this, it also describes the political ideology of the party as cultural nationalism.