Afzal Guru, Kasab: Dark History of Vrinda Grover, lawyer who withdrew from RG Kar victim’s case
9th of August, 2024, was the day that shook India to the core. A 31 year old female doctor was brutally raped and ...
9th of August, 2024, was the day that shook India to the core. A 31 year old female doctor was brutally raped and ...
Indians have been taught perverted history. Indigenous Hindu kings have been willfully written off from the history books while bigoted thugs and barbaric ...
Yakub Memon grave beautification Case: Do you know, what is more dangerous than a man wielding the gun or committing acts of terror? ...
The Supreme Court, in another late night hearing conducted due to the pressure group, provided relief to five arrested Urban Naxals in Bhima-Koregaon ...
Remember when Yakub Memon’s mercy petition was rejected by the Supreme Court on 21 July 2015? Human rights activists, secularists and liberals started ...
Every other day, we hear various self proclaimed human rights activists issue statements that the Indian army must show restraint while dealing with ...
My Dear India, I know I don’t say this often, I also know that it goes without saying and that I don’t need ...
To the Hindu Fascist Government of India, A couple of days ago, you hanged one of India's most loyal sons. I, and I am sure, many ...
Now that the darling of the Media, the hero of the leftists, Yakub Memon has been killed like a dog martyred, we give ...
Is death penalty an antidote to terror? Read on Remember Gadkari-Kejriwal affair? When Kejriwal went to jail because he has no substantive reason ...
On On 26th of May 2014, the ever so controversial Narendra Damodardas Modi started his tenure after his swearing-in as the 15th Prime ...
Two days back when the Gurdaspur attack happened and the images of the dead were splashed all around, we winced. The bloodied face ...
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