“Ensure safety of diplomats first”: Jaishankar’s crystal clear message to Canada
Indian diplomats in Canada: As said in The Godfather, "Confidence is Silent. Insecurities are Loud." Now, apply this wisdom to the ongoing India-Canada ...
Indian diplomats in Canada: As said in The Godfather, "Confidence is Silent. Insecurities are Loud." Now, apply this wisdom to the ongoing India-Canada ...
It seems that the patience of many in Canada is wearing thin with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In a recent podcast interview with ...
There are some, for whom troubles strikes a thunderbolt! Then there are some, who are just at the wrong place, and then come ...
India support Israel: “Have you seen the embassy's social media lately? It's simply amazing! I can't help but think, "I could have another ...
Trudeau extends Navratri wishes: Picture yourself as someone possessing the cunning of Joe Biden, the charm of Emmanuel Macron, yet behaving in a ...
Well, folks, gather 'round, because we've got quite the spectacle on our hands! Justin Trudeau is acting like that kid at school who ...
Canada terrorists' heaven: Well, folks, it seems like Justin Trudeau is on a mission, a mission to outdo even the likes of Joe ...
In the annals of history, there have been tales of kings and their unique dependencies, but none quite as intriguing as the story ...
Canada Indian diplomats: What do Recip Tayyip Erdogan, Mahathir Mohammad, Imran Khan Niazi, Joe Biden, and Justin Trudeau have in common? Well, don’t ...
Financial Times report: You know, there was a time when I thought Rahul Gandhi had the market cornered on bad luck. But then ...
Immigration racket Trudeau: A decade or two ago, forget Canada, even if Nepal used to raise their eyebrows, everyone, from the government spokesperson ...
Journey of Justin Trudeau: Hey there, folks! If you've ever chuckled at those classic "Yo Mama So Fat" jokes, then I've got a ...
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