Kerala announces a special Mughal course after NCERT’s Mughal mission
Kerala NCERT Mughal course: Ha ha ha! Can you believe the current administration in Kerala? They're so determined to swim against the tide ...
Kerala NCERT Mughal course: Ha ha ha! Can you believe the current administration in Kerala? They're so determined to swim against the tide ...
Hindu love of Akbar: Why is Akbar considered 'great'? Is it because Akbar was supposedly secular and made friends with many kingdoms, even ...
Taj Mahal, one among the seven wonders of the world is touted as the topmost thing that represent India in the minds of ...
Many times, what we get as perceived wisdom is a complete contrast to truth. For example, rubber is wrongfully dubbed as one of ...
We all have heard the adage, “Half knowledge is dangerous”. However, it becomes lethal when the person with the half-knowledge has power, authority ...
By now, everyone must be more than aware of the 'furore' caused by the 'radical' decision of changing the name of Allahabad back ...
I, Hemchandra Vikramditya, smile sitting atop the elephant howdah as I look at my army ecstatic with joy. We have discouraged the Mughal ...
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