Iconic Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan just celebrated his 53rd birthday amidst much fanfare. Followed by the birthday celebrations, the theatrical...
Initially marked to be shelved, owing to the legal battles between former producers Balaji Motion Pictures and KriArj entertainment, ‘Kedarnath’...
How would you feel if you discover a project that could give India a giant leap in its space program...
A watershed moment occurred in the contemporary feminist movement of India when those perceived as the flag bearers of the...
The MeToo campaign has added yet another casualty to their list, as popular musician cum singer Anu Malik has been...
(Following his unexpected return from a long break, our ultra secular reviewer Gurmeet Shankar Khan has joined the Rightlog.in as...
DISCLAIMER: – Shah Rukh Khan – Love him or hate him, you cannot ignore him. This actor is as much...
On the occasion of Gandhi/Shastri Jayanti, actress Kangana Ranaut launched the much awaited teaser of her upcoming movie, ‘Manikarnika’. Narrated...
Tomorrow is the 2nd anniversary of the first ever surgical strikes that was not only executed brilliantly by the special...
Following the unexpected success of Parmanu, as well as the action packed Satyamev Jayate, actor John Abraham is now up...
The much anticipated match between India and Pakistan turned out to be a one-sided affair with India dominating the Pakistan...
Come mid September and a festival of celebrities and wannabe celebrities’ starts on the Indian Television, precisely the twisted reality...
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