On Monday (20th January 2025), the Supreme Court of India came down heavily on AIMIM candidate and mastermind of anti-Hindu Delhi riots, Tahir Hussain noting that “such persons should be barred from contesting elections.”
Notably, a two judge bench comprising Justices Pankaj Mithal and Ahsanuddin Amanullah is hearing Hussain’s bail plea as the former Aam Aadmi Party Councillor seeks to come out of jail to content in the Delhi assembly elections slated 5th February.
During the hearing, Justice Pankaj Mithal orally remarked, “It is easy to win elections sitting in jail. Actually, all these persons should be debarred.”
Pertinently, AIMIM candidate and Delhi Riots accused Mohd Tahir Hussain approached the apex court to seek bail so that he can campaign for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections.
Initially, his bail plea was listed for hearing today but the bench could not take up the matter. At the end of the board, Senior Advocate Siddharth Aggarwal, representing Tahir Hussain, raked the matter, the bench listed the matter for tomorrow.
Interestingly, during the brief exchange, Tahir Hussain’s council told the Court that AIMIM candidate was granted custody parole by the Delhi High Court, last week, so that he could file his nomination. Incidentally, his nomination has now been accepted. Consequently, he sought interim bail so that he can campaign for the Delhi assembly elections, up for voting on 5th February.
To which, Justice Mithal retorted saying, “Jail mein baithke ladte hain na chunaav ab toh (these days elections are contested from jail…It is easy to win elections sitting in jail”.
Former AAP Councillor Tahir Hussain, key conspirator in Anti-Hindu Delhi riots
Former Aam Aadmi Party councillor, Tahir Hussain is the key accused in the murder case of Intelligence Bureau (IB) staffer Ankit Sharma. The IB staffer Sharma, was brutally hacked to death during the anti-Hindu North-East Delhi riots that took place in 2020.
Last year, in March, the trial court framed charges against Tahir Hussain and others. The charges include sections 147, 148, 153A, 302, 365, 120B, 149, 188 and 153A IPC. Tahir was additionally charged under Sections 505, 109 and 114 of the IPC.