And she is right. Growing up has got nothing to do with growing old. Age is just a number. I have seen 40 year old kids and matured wise men who are still to turn 15.
So are you growing up or are you just growing old?
TFI 24 point checklist “You know you have grown up when” went viral when it was first posted on Facebook. Posting a web pictographic version of it. Hope you enjoy this one too.
If you do not set the AC temperature at 16 degree centigrade anymore
Driving over 80 KMPH seems like a colossal wastage of energy and concentration
Super loud music in car is a strict no no
You feel happy following the rules
Politics suddenly becomes interesting
when discussing EMIs terms and conditions at banks becomes more interesting than discussing IPL
Online gaming is swapped by long hours of reading news and blogs
When most WhatsApp groups you’re a part of, are on mute mode
When you do not waste time cherry-picking munchies to go along with whiskey
You do not download ringtones but choose a simple one from the settings
You do not even remember your caller tunes
When choice of mobile wallpaper becomes immaterial
when mango-shakes remind you of diabetes
when you shut up and eat lauki and think about its health benefits
When you start going to office before your juniors
When logging on to laptop after office seems a huge burden
Your phone contacts do not have cutesy pictures assigned to them
Calling someone your boyfriend or girlfriend seems awkward to you
Long phone calls seem like a massive wastage of time
Skinny or Baggy jeans cease to be a part of your wardrobe
Funky haircuts disgust you
When you start picking movies based on their directors, not actors
When you stop saying yes to every damn party
when you start looking more like your Aadhaar photo and less like your Instagram photo. And you stop caring.
Rajdeep Sardesai, the controversial journalist and a favorite of the Islamo-Leftist ecosystem, continues to degrade journalism by prioritizing propaganda...