USD 216,000000000 that’s how much the USA owes India
Americans are known for living beyond their means. Given the fact, that the United States is the largest economy in the world and ...
Americans are known for living beyond their means. Given the fact, that the United States is the largest economy in the world and ...
In a big blow to the Joe Biden-led US, which is trying to ensure that the country regains the Big Daddy status, India ...
Pakistan is plummeting to all-new levels of low with each passing day as even its traditional allies like Saudi Arabia and UAE becoming ...
The news of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its espionage agents infiltrating foreign nations and their big blue-chip companies had made alarming ...
At a time when President-elect Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy remains unclear, especially his stance vis-a-vis China, it seems that Biden won’t adopt a ...
Even with all the pompous investments, the Middle East looks like a lost cause for China. However, with such investment, Beijing cannot just ...
The US-China rivalry is fast taking shape of a cold war wherein both giants try to pull more and more regional actors into ...
Erdogan is going berserk, throwing Turkey into a spiral of conflict and instability. In a latest, several Greek local reports claimed that Turkey ...
The United States of America has opened yet another front against the People's Republic of China- Arunachal Pradesh. A US senior State Department ...
China is trying to woo foreign investors by opening up its financial markets to them. This is being done not because of China ...
The Global Investors, fearing victory of Donald Trump in the November Presidential Election, are selling Chinese stocks. As per a report by Bloomberg, ...
In what comes as yet another headline bound to make Huawei executives and their CCP paymasters jittery, India and Japan will now be ...
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