Land grabbing trend in Africa and SouthEast Asia
Large-scale land grabbing throughout Africa, Latin America, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia countries have worsen social injustices and has widen economic gaps, making ...
Large-scale land grabbing throughout Africa, Latin America, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia countries have worsen social injustices and has widen economic gaps, making ...
Election fever has gripped nations around the world in 2024, with major economies like India, the United States, and the United Kingdom gearing ...
Over the past eight years, the Make in India initiative has transformed India into a manufacturing powerhouse, setting high standards for quality on ...
A lot has been said and a lot needs to be said, but one thing is sure: China and India are the biggest ...
China BRI Project: When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, there was a hullabaloo all across the world. The Soviet Union was a ...
The 21st century has presented India and the world with a set of peculiar challenges. It is a century in which distance between ...
The 2020 Galwan valley misadventure by Jinping was the tipping point of India’s trust in China. From then on, our policymakers have taken ...
In the first chapter of this series, we looked at how Christianity shaped and expanded. Of the two bifurcated parts of the Roman ...
As your wings grow, you aspire to higher spheres of the sky. Even sky is not the limit for India’s Defence production units. ...
They always say Electric Vehicles are the future. But, these vehicles do not run in vacuum. They need minerals to run. India lacks ...
The resource-rich continent of Africa comprises about 54 countries. Historically aligned with India in its Non-Aligned, Anti-Colonial, Anti-Racism and Anti-Apartheid movement, Africa is ...
The Indian government is making efforts to produce more renewable and nuclear energy to meet the growing energy demands. While there has been ...
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