Will 2017 bring a change in the world’s attitude towards Islamic Terrorism?
It was 31 December, 2015. The venue was Cologne. People were all set to welcome 2016. But their joy soon turned into despair as hordes of men of "Arab and African ...
It was 31 December, 2015. The venue was Cologne. People were all set to welcome 2016. But their joy soon turned into despair as hordes of men of "Arab and African ...
The dust hasn’t settled over Trump ’s victory as yet, and even now liberal mobs are rioting across America- burning cars and attacking hapless pedestrians. And while reports are still uncoordinated, ...
It's called Olympics. It is not an exaggeration to say that India has got the most shameful record in Olympics compared to every other nation on earth. Looks like ...
There is a long list of wine swigging, pearl necklace wearing, and Designer Saree clad ‘Civil Society’ activists in India. The socialite-activists may be divided by their color of sarees or ...
Kim I Sung North Korea is a strange country. Born out of the vicissitudes of World War II, it remains to this day, the world's only Stalinist regime. Perched precariously on ...
For decades now, the Middle East has been in turmoil. Commentators usually ascribe this instability to American Invasion of Iraq in 2003 which destabilized the entire region. However, it is not ...
Islamism is the political ideology seeking the supremacy of Islam over all other values. those “other values” include not just other religions, but also the concepts of freedom, secularism, and the ...
In June last year, a fairly unknown armed group took control of Iraq’s second largest city Mossul. Most people following this development didn’t bat an eyelid. A weak Iraqi government with ...
In what seems to be a mockery of Human Rights, Saudi Arabia which has one of the worst Human Rights record in the world has been awarded a key position in ...
The Christmas of 2024 came at an interesting juncture in history. America, arguably Christians’ strongest country in the world, is on the verge of either going the Christianity route or falling ...
All days are not lucky for an offender, some days karma gives a call and settles the account once and for all. Self proclaimed fact checker, Alt News’ Muhammad Zubair is ...
It is now a common observation that the old-school definitions of identities are ceasing to exist in the rapidly paced modern world. The rise of big corporations, concrete jungles, and few ...
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