Meet Mother Merkel – The latest casualty of her love for migrants
Once upon a time, there was only one label for anyone who dared criticize the left's brainchild, the Open Borders Policy of Europe, 'Racist.' But a lot has changed since then ...
Once upon a time, there was only one label for anyone who dared criticize the left's brainchild, the Open Borders Policy of Europe, 'Racist.' But a lot has changed since then ...
1500 years ago, the Shiva Dhanurveda- one of the principal military manuals of the Sri Sri Gupta Mandala- or the Gupta Empire- declared: ‘(Enemy) heroes who faint, or are wounded, or ...
What really happened? In the past three weeks, various media outlets in Tamil Nadu were full of allegations about Isha Foundation, based out of Coimbatore. In the past two decades, I ...
My Dear Kashmiri Compatriots, I know you have a lot to be unhappy about, but so do all of us. If you look beyond the propaganda that the separatists and their ...
Question: What is your job and your salary? Are you satisfied with your current job? Answer: I am an officer in the Indian army currently serving in the disturbed areas of ...
I still remember the summer of 2012. No, it’s not that I had some breakthrough back then, but because the great Indian political circus saw the rise of a youth leader ...
The British surely may have invented the game but India is now THE big fish when it comes to Cricket. A population of over a billion comes to a standstill whenever ...
Comedy is an art. Perhaps one of the toughest arts in the whole world, for it involves making people laugh, which isn’t necessarily that easy. From the crooning tramp Charlie Chaplin, ...
Misandrism and presenting the male gender in a bad light or disguising anti male policies as feminine or tools of women empowerment have somehow merged into the so called Feminist ...
About Myself: When I joined the HCU , I was an apolitical person. Because I also belong to a poor family so my sympathies are always with the downtrodden sections. I wanted to ...
The NDA government is about to sign on a logistics exchange agreement a.k.a LEMOA (Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement), which is a tweaked version of LSA (Logistics Support Agreement) which facilitates ...
Uttarakhand Crisis: A look into the state's goings-on Uttarakhand was a case of a State Government run under blatant ignorance of Constitutional Provisions. 9 MLAs had already rebelled from the Congress ...
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