Search Result for 'battle of '

Afghanistan conundrum?

In 1979, as Afghanistan was being trampled under Soviet boots, the might of the Capitalist West united under the leadership of US to turn Afghanistan into the Soviet Union's Vietnam. With every passing ...

The Dravidian ethos…

Indian politics is considered not only overpopulated in terms of parties but also diverse in terms of magnitude.The history of the Indian civilization has always obscured the geography of the sub ...

Liberalism Vs Society

There is something called society, or its Indic equivalent- "Samaaj" and there is another thing called "Individuality". In today's times, Samaaj and Individuality are frequently pitted against each other. All political ...

The Greek tragedy

As Greece once again faces a tough hurdle to cross in about 2 weeks time from now on repaying close to USD 1.8 billion to IMF, increasingly more and more voices ...

Did Modi really insult India?

Twitter turned into a virtual battleground yesterday. The ones “badly” hurt by PM Modi’s anti-India (Yeah! That’s right) remark were busy trending #ModiInsultsIndia. Memes, funny pictures, random facts, forwards and jokes ...

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