Last week, after a long and arduous process of deliberation, helpless negotiations and amidst severe opposition from domestic as well...
All this while, we have read about how the Jewish state of Israel has had been occupying the Palestinian state...
In a revolutionary decision that has for sure and will continue to upset many political equations and statistics, the President...
“Putin has one idea: to essentially build a monarchy and be president for life” alleged Alexei Navalny, the anti-corruption activist...
Two days ago, the Saudi Prince Bader spent an unprecedented $450 million at New York on a Leonardo da Vinci...
Earlier this year (May 2017), The Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise 2017 (SIMBEX-17) was concluded and its 24th iteration was held at...
‘Don’t label ISIS folks returning to Canada as Islamic terrorists. They should be addressed as ISIS fighters…….. I refuse to...
Less than a year into the Trump presidency, after several statements and international visits, one finally gets a sense of...
For long Pakistan has been portraying, that relationship with its “All weather friend” is “Sweeter than honey”. However, internal political...
In the late 18th century and early 19th century, the subcontinent of India was in a political turmoil. The Marathas...
There are two kinds of dictators or authoritarians. One kind makes the constitution obsolete and assumes full control or power....
‘Karvate badalte rahe – Saari Raat hum’; in his grave Churchill might be humming this Hindi song and while rolling...
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