The governments across the world, including in India, are struggling to meet the revenue targets amid Coronavirus pandemic. While the...
A few months after the Modi government came to power in 2014, it envisaged the concept of Make in India....
The people of the country have stopped taking Rahul Gandhi seriously since the mid-2010s, but, he keeps making absurd claims...
Ever since the COVID-19 Pandemic struck India and other parts of the world, self-acclaimed experts and wannabe economists started claiming...
As the Indian government- centre and states- unlocks the country from Coronavirus induced lockdown, quite naturally, the economic activity has...
Amid the calls of boycott from Arab countries and Coronavirus induced lockdown, the Turkish economy and its currency are touching...
Erdogan has accepted defeat in the economic realm as Turkey moves to hike the interest rates by two percentage points...
Inflation is tax on the poor, goes the famous proverb in economics. For decades, Indian poor and middle class suffered...
China is trying to woo foreign investors by opening up its financial markets to them. This is being done not...
The Global Investors, fearing victory of Donald Trump in the November Presidential Election, are selling Chinese stocks. As per a...
The World Bank has done it again. Days after pausing publication of the ‘Doing Business 2021’ report apparently because Beijing fooled the...
Toyota, the second largest automobile manufacturer in the world after Germany’s Volkswagen, is set to halt expansion in India given...
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