यक्ष युधिष्ठिर संवाद – The Secular angle!
पांचो भाइयों में सिर्फ युधिष्ठिर ही वामपंथी विचारधारा और स्यूडोसेकुलरिज्म के अनुयायी थें. बाकी के बचे चार यानी वृकोदर भीम, फल्गुनी अर्जुन, और अश्विनीकुमारों के अंश नकुल सहदेव पक्के संघी थे. पर प्यास...
पांचो भाइयों में सिर्फ युधिष्ठिर ही वामपंथी विचारधारा और स्यूडोसेकुलरिज्म के अनुयायी थें. बाकी के बचे चार यानी वृकोदर भीम, फल्गुनी अर्जुन, और अश्विनीकुमारों के अंश नकुल सहदेव पक्के संघी थे. पर प्यास...
From last few days I have seen an increasing number of “opinions” and “editorials” on the internet about BJP rapidly losing grounds in Bihar. The opinion pieces generally quote a BJP insider, even...
The Akdemi Award winners are in news for their silent yet persistent, non violent yet powerful rebellion against PM Modi. The Akademi Award winners are sad about the rampant communalism in the country...
मैं पंखा हूँ. मुझे पता है की ये घोषणा “मैं समय हूँ” जितना प्रलयंकारी तो नहीं है लेकिन जो है वो यही है की मैं पंखा हूँ. छत से लटका हुआ, अपने तीन...
What were the most trending news on the National Media in the last two months or so? Beef Ban Dadri Lynching Award Return by Intellectuals Meet Ban Satya Nadella Wiping Hands Zuckerberg...
Even if you happen to be a non-political person, the chances of finding a Sanjiv Bhatt (inspirational) photo in your social media feed is quite high. Sanjiv Bhatt represents the fearless cop up...
Name: Jayaprakash Narayan Birth Date: October 11, 1902 Death Date: October 8, 1979 Place of Birth: Sitabdiara , Saran District, Bihar, India Place of Death: Patna, India While the story about Jayaprakash...
Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn was in Bihar to campaign for the Bhartiya Janata Party. The actor is well known for his socio political movies. His portrayal of morally upright SP Amit Kumar in...
"All rise!" screeched the bailiff Kejriwal as Judge Kejriwal walked in in his customary aura of faultless uprightness. The accused Asim Ahmed Khan shuddered in fear. “Settle down” said Judge Kejriwal. ...
No I am not going to begin this article by eulogizing Arvind Kejriwal because that has become a standard template. The fact that he represented hope for a frustrated nation of 1.25 billion...
Say Asaduddin Owaisi and a solemn visage appears on your mind. Asaduddin Owaisi is every inch of a gentleman. A gentleman in political circuits is called a statesman. He never jumps to a...
क्या है रे तू मीडिया लोकतंत्र का चौथा स्तम्भ या लोकतंत्र के आस्तित्व पर एक कटाक्ष उपालंभ तू निर्भय है या लज्जाहीन तू स्वतंत्र है या पराधीन तू नैतिकता का तराजू है या...
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