Ashish Dwivedi

Ashish Dwivedi

Ashish Dwivedi was former Senior Editor at He hails from Ram Nagari Ayodhya.

Ravish Kumar misleads people on India’s defence budget

प्रहस्य मणिमुद्धरेन्मकरवक्रदंष्ट्रान्तरात्     समुद्रमपि सन्तरेत्प्रचलदूर्मिमालाकुलम् । भुजङ्गमपि कोपितं शिरसि पुष्पवद्धारये     न्न तु प्रतिनिविष्टमूर्खजनचित्तमाराधयेत् ॥  (With courage, we could extract the pearl stuck in between crooked teeth of a crocodile. We could sail across an...

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