

Extra terrestrial left behind during a surreptitious visit by a trans-Neptunian race.

After renaming Ramdhonu and Durga Pujo, Goddess Saraswati is banned in West Bengal

या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना । या ब्रह्माच्युतशंकरप्रभृतिभिर्देवैः सदा पूजिता सा मां पातु सरस्वति भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा ॥१॥ The chanting of this and many such mantras is a common feature of...

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