On 23rd of January, 2025 India celebrated the 128th birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, one of the bravest sons of mother India who contributed his heart out for India’s Independence. On this momentous occasion, citizens across India paid heartfelt tributes to Netaji, honoring his unparalleled contribution to the freedom struggle. Like all citizens of India, the Prime Minister of the country, Narendra Modi in a tweet, paid homage to the brave son of Maa Bharti and posted a video showing the contributions Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose made for India’s Independence.
Since then, many of the colonial apologists and Winston Churchill fans have come out of their closet to “condemn” the move of the Indian Prime Minister. The colonial apologists also tried tooth and nail to portray Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose as “fascist” for his alliance with Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany. During World War 2, Germany and the Great Britain were at logger heads with Winston Churchill leading the British Front. Netaji’s meeting with Adolf Hitler is often questioned by brown sahebs and the apologists of the colonisation.
Subhas Chandra Bose was a Nazi collaborator. He admired Hitler, and actively worked to undermine the British war effort.
In the post below, India’s Prime Minister celebrates him as a hero. Let’s stop pretending that India is an ally. For Hindu nationalists, we are the villain. https://t.co/qK6M4UkcmY
— Sam Bidwell (@sam_bidwell) January 23, 2025
Bose was a vile fascist sympathiser.
When the British promised post-war Dominion status for India, Bose was busy shaking hands with Nazis in Berlin.
When the Japanese were invading India & sinking the ships carrying foodgrains Britain ordered to India, to alleviate starvation &… https://t.co/EAoaubRQko
— Andreas Koureas FRAS FRSA 🇬🇧🎗️ (@AndreasKoureas_) January 25, 2025
Bose was a collaborator of Japanese fascism and German Nazism. He was willing to crush the rest of Asia under the imperial yoke of Japan in the name of Indian freedom. He died horribly after failing to recruit more than a handful of his countrymen to his side. https://t.co/WvCanoNHZw
— Yuan Yi Zhu (@yuanyi_z) January 24, 2025
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose did meet with Adolf Hitler but not by being inspired by the ideology the latter had but because of his commitment and love for mother India. The Bose-Hitler narrative, often driven by Western and elitist Indian perspectives, ignores the broader context of Subhash Chandra Bose’s actions and his unwavering commitment to India’s independence.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s engagement with Nazi Germany stemmed from a life-and-death struggle to achieve India’s freedom. In the 1940s, Great Britain, despite waging war against Hitler in the name of liberty, refused to free India. Winston Churchill, who caused millions of deaths during the Bengal famine, harbored deep-seated hatred for Indians. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s decision to seek German support should be viewed through this lens of national interest.
As Girija Mookerjee, an associate of Netaji, explained, Germany’s Foreign Office had supported Indian independence efforts even before World War II, driven by strategic interests rather than ideological alignment with the Nazis.
Netaji’s personal contempt for the Nazis was evident. He befriended Jewish refugees, advising them to seek safety in the US, and never shied away from condemning Nazi ideology. He justified his alliances as a necessity for India’s liberation, famously stating, “It is dreadful but it must be done. India must gain her independence, cost what it may.”
Critics label Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose a Nazi collaborator, ignoring that knowledge of the Holocaust emerged only after 1945. Even Allied leaders, despite being aware of the atrocities, did little to act. Netaji’s actions were not about ideology but about leveraging global dynamics to achieve independence for India.