Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia recently launched an initiative that will allow BSNL, Jio, and Airtel users to use 4G services from any available network even when their own signal is unavailable. The Intra Circle Roaming (ICR) facility was inaugurated on January 17, allowing the users of these networks to connect through shared infrastructure, ensuring seamless connectivity.
This new system, into which the Digital Bharat Nidhi (DBN) has invested, allows telecom service providers (TSPs) to share towers subsidized by the government, providing 4G connectivity through several networks. Under this arrangement, users will be able to make calls and receive data services from a single DBN-subsidized tower, independent of any specific service provider. In other words, the user does not need separate infrastructure for each network, which cuts down on the requirement to erect fewer towers but connects every corner with improved coverage and reliability.
The main thrust of the initiative is towards rural and far-flung areas. The target is to bring 4G services to over 35,400 villages. It will be made possible by approximately 27,000 towers that are funded by DBN without burdening the consumers with increased mobile service costs.
Highlights from Today’s Launch 🚀
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📝 Unveiling of NBM 2.0 Vision Document; goal is to ensure that we connect the balanced 1.7 lakh villages across the length and breadth of our country.
— DoT India (@DoT_India) January 17, 2025
At the inauguration, Minister Scindia said that this partnership between BSNL, Airtel, and Jio was the most important and that the benefits of this tie-up will result in better connectivity options for the users, with all three telecom giants sharing their networks at DBN-funded sites, which covers nearly 27,836 locations across the country.
The installation of mobile towers in disadvantaged areas is funded by the DBN, which was previously referred to as the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF). Though these towers are present only to the users of the TSP that built the tower, the ICR facility will ensure much broader use, making service more consistent and dependable for more people, including those in hard-to-reach places.
This is a critical step toward enhancement of mobile connectivity by ensuring that the maximum number of subscribers, regardless of their telecom company, will be able to enjoy 4G access across the country.