“Doctors demand safety and respect. Will they be heard?”

The recent protests by doctors from K.R.G. Medical College in Kolkata echo the urgent need for change, yet the response from Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee raises critical questions.

The doctors have put forth four key demands that highlight their concerns about safety and working conditions.

First, they are calling for enhanced security measures in hospitals. With a rising tide of violence against medical staff, ensuring a safe work environment is not just important; it’s essential. Instead of implementing effective security protocols, the government has opted for reactive measures, addressing the symptoms rather than the root causes of this violence.

Second, they demand a formal grievance redressal mechanism. Doctors need a reliable way to voice their concerns and seek resolution. However, Mamata Banerjee has yet to present any concrete steps toward establishing this system, leaving many feeling unsupported and marginalized.

Their third demand focuses on improved infrastructure and resources in public hospitals. With chronic underfunding and overcrowding, the quality of patient care is severely compromised. Yet, the government continues to neglect these critical needs, choosing instead to prioritize political optics over meaningful healthcare reform.

Finally, the doctors are advocating for fair and timely compensation. Many work long hours under immense pressure, yet their contributions often go unrecognized. The lack of acknowledgment from the government perpetuates dissatisfaction and burnout among these dedicated professionals.

Mamata Banerjee’s reluctance to engage in dialogue, including her refusal to participate in video conferencing with the protesting doctors, raises serious concerns. Is her political agenda more important than the lives and well-being of healthcare workers? By protecting Vineet Goyal, the dismissed police commissioner, she seems focused on maintaining her political image rather than addressing the urgent needs of the medical community.

Standing up for rights is not a trivial matter; it’s a fundamental aspect of a healthy democracy. The reasonable demands from the K.R.G. Medical College doctors highlight systemic failures that can no longer be ignored.

Mamata Banerjee must prioritize the voices of those on the front lines. It’s time for the government to take decisive action to create a safer, more effective healthcare system in West Bengal—because every life matters, and every voice deserves to be heard.

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