Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL) on January 12, 2024, marking a significant milestone in India’s infrastructure development.“I look forward to being among the people of Maharashtra tomorrow, 12th January, which is also the Jayanti of Jija Mata and Swami Vivekananda. In Nashik, I will pray at the Shree Kalaram Mandir and attend the National Youth Festival,” PM Modi said in a post on X. The bridge, officially named ‘Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewari-Nhava Sheva Atal Setu,’ holds the distinction of being the longest sea bridge in India and ranks 12th globally. This 21.8 km long six-lane bridge includes approximately 16.5 km over the sea and 5.5 km on land. The inauguration ceremony, scheduled for around 3:30 pm in Mumbai, will be attended by the Prime Minister, highlighting the importance of this project. Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde emphasized the bridge’s potential to bring economic development and growth to the connected areas.
Facts about the bridge
The Metropolitan Commissioner of MMRDA, Sanjay Mukherjee, provided insights into the bridge’s construction, revealing that the steel used is 17 times that of the Eiffel Tower. The concrete used is six times that of the Statue of Liberty. The structural steel utilized in the bridge surpasses even that of the iconic Howrah Bridge, showcasing the advanced engineering techniques employed in its design and construction. The total cost of the project stands at over ₹17,840 crore.
Toll rates for the bridge
The Maharashtra government has approved a toll of ₹250 for cars using the MTHL. However, only half of this amount will be collected initially, following existing toll collection rules. The toll rates for specific stretches have been set, with the return trip cost being 1.5 times the one-way charge. The bridge is expected to significantly reduce travel time between Ulwe in Navi Mumbai and South Mumbai, making the journey from the current 2 hours to just half an hour. Additionally, it is poised to open up the real estate market in the eastern part of Mumbai, making a substantial impact on the city’s infrastructure and connectivity. The bridge will reduce travel time for Mumbai International Airport and Navi Mumbai International Airport, it will also reduce the travel time from Mumbai to Goa, Pune, and South India.
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Vehicles allowed
The Mumbai Traffic Police have released a list of vehicles not allowed on the bridge, including motorcycles, mopeds, 3-wheeler tempos, auto-rickshaws, tractors, tractors with unladen trolleys, animal-drawn vehicles, and slow-moving vehicles. The Atal Setu, once inaugurated, will be open for commuters from Saturday morning.
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Economical Effect
The bridge symbolizes a transformative phase for Mumbai, facilitating a significant makeover with a $30-billion investment in various infrastructure projects. The MTHL is a crucial component of this redevelopment, connecting different parts of the city and contributing to the creation of a “Third Mumbai.”The completion of the MTHL is poised to open up the real estate market in the eastern part of Mumbai, creating opportunities for urban development and economic growth in the region. In addition to the MTHL, Mumbai is undergoing a $30-billion makeover, with other ambitious projects such as a 360-kilometer-long metro, a coastal road, a circular east-west connectivity plan, a road connector between Worli and Sewri, and a tunnel connecting Marine Drive to the Eastern Freeway.
In conclusion, the Atal Setu and the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link represent transformative projects that will not only improve connectivity but also have far-reaching implications for the economic and infrastructural landscape of Mumbai. Business activities will highly benefit from the construction of the bridge as it saves a lot of shipment time and the goods can be transported smoothly. The bridge’s development has also been praised by Mukesh Ambani as it would reduce the travel time from one part of the city to another. The Atal Setu is just one of the several projects that have been passed by the government for the development of Eastern Mumbai, many more projects will be inaugurated by the prime minister and the growth trajectory of Mumbai’s economy will be catalyzed by these projects.
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