Ex USCIRF Commissioner Johnnie Moore to Obama: Compliment India Instead of Criticizing

Former US President Barack Obama’s recent remarks criticizing India have drawn sharp criticism from both the Indian government and nationalist groups. However, an unexpected pushback has come from an unlikely source – Johnnie Moore, the former Commissioner of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Let’s throw light on the criticism that Obama is facing for his vitriol against India, and delve into Moore’s perspective and the significance of recognizing India’s diversity as a strength.

A No Nonsense Advice

Johnnie Moore’s advice to Barack Obama is straightforward – “Check your own backyard.” Johnnie Moore believes that instead of criticizing India, the former US President should acknowledge and appreciate the diversity and strength of the country. He emphasizes that while India, like any nation, is not perfect, its diversity sets it apart and should be celebrated.

Johnnie Moore highlights India’s unparalleled diversity, describing it as the most diverse country in human history. With its vast array of religions, languages, cultures, and traditions, India represents a melting pot of diversity. This diversity not only enriches the cultural fabric of the nation but also contributes to its resilience and adaptability.

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For those unaware, Moore’s statements were prompted by Obama’s contentious remarks during an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, which coincided with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s historic address to the joint session of the US Congress. It is essential to consider the timing and context of statements to ensure constructive engagement and respectful discourse between nations. Moore’s perspective encourages positive engagement and meaningful dialogue in bilateral relationships.

Privately Criticize, Publicly Praise

The former Commissioner suggests that with friends like India, it is more prudent to privately address concerns rather than publicly criticize. Johnnie Moore underscores the importance of good geopolitics and the need to present a united front against those who seek to undermine democracy globally. By fostering open channels of communication and private dialogue, nations can work together to address challenges and concerns.

Johnnie Moore respectfully disagrees with Obama’s sentiment that India is facing the twilight of democracy. He believes that it is, in fact, the new dawn of democracy. India’s robust democratic institutions, vibrant civil society, and active citizen participation showcase the country’s commitment to democratic values. Moore’s disagreement underscores the need to recognize India’s progress and potential, especially in the face of global challenges.

Introspection in Light of Criticism

The criticism faced by Obama’s comments serves as an opportunity for introspection. If even Americans question the viewpoint expressed, it becomes essential to reevaluate the basis of such criticism and its potential consequences. Moore’s advice to Obama encourages self-reflection and re-evaluation of narratives to foster stronger international partnerships based on mutual respect and understanding.

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Johnnie Moore’s advice to Barack Obama to focus on complimenting India instead of criticizing it offers a fresh perspective on Indian geopolitics. Recognizing India’s diversity as a strength and supporting it as a democratic nation can foster stronger alliances and promote global cooperation. It is essential to celebrate the progress and diversity of nations while engaging in constructive dialogue to address concerns. By embracing a more positive approach, India and the United States can work together towards a brighter future, leveraging their shared values and interests. Through mutual respect and appreciation, the international community can foster stronger partnerships and contribute to global progress.

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