Another one bites the dust: Rumour-monger Sreenivasan Jain leaves NDTV

The process of cleansing starts with eliminating the big mess and then filtering the left over remains. NDTV is following the same process but in a more effective way as the junk is coming out by itself. Ravish Kumar resigned from the channel when the atmosphere of NDTV was under the waste management process. Now, it is the turn of Sreenivasan Jain.

Sreenivasan resigns

In a recent tweet, Sreenivasan Jain announced that his three decade long run at NDTV has ended and he has resigned from the channel.

He further said that the decision of resignation was not easy. I mean yes, how could it be? Leaving a platform that gave you three decades for rumour mongering and hate mongering is always a big decision to make. Besides, he, like his ring master, has spit venom over every other platform and can’t even join them. They always thought that NDTV will become dynastic and will prove to be a safehouse for them.

Rumour-monger reporter

Now, let us go through some of his mischievous reporting that are the example of worst thing a reporter can do. It was the time when CBI was investigating Ishrat Jahan encounter. Gujarat Police claimed that Ishrat and her partners were planning to target the then CM of Gujarat, Narendra Modi.

Reporting on the basis of CBI sources, Sreenivasan tried to undermine the seriousness of the matter. He said that Ishrat and others were not there to kill Narendra Modi, instead they were looking to carry out a “chota mota blast” (petty blast). Portraying a blast as petty, which could have taken the life of thousands, shows how inhumane and propagandist Islamist he is. This was not the only time he showed his inhumanity. He repeated it in the Covid era.

During the havoc of Covid pandemic, he tweeted that “Breaking: the head of the Govt’s vaccine advisory panel Dr NK Arora tells me initial batches of Covaxin were not of the right quality.”

The reality turned out to be different as he picked a small fragment of the report and moulded it as per the need of his rumour spreading propaganda. Although, after being caught, he apologised for it, but his real motive was fulfilled. He was only interested in spreading rumour so that somehow unrest prevails and he gets to criticise the Modi government along with Indian vaccine and please his ring master Mr. Ravish Kumar. The only policy he followed was to oppose Modi government.

One such incident happened when he was interviewing the ace investor, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. He tried to tactically impose his thought over Jhunjhunwala by asking him that has he became a fan of Mr. Modi and is that influencing his perception and analysis?

Jhunjhunwala understood Sreenivasan’s move and abruptly replied that being an Indian, it is his right to make his own political choices and that in his opinion NDTV is prejudiced. Replying to a question on his wealth, Jhunjhunwala gave a witty reply that “You can count it but you don’t have it.”

Few more to go

As mentioned above, he and people like him thought that NDTV will prove to be a safe house for them. But, they had created such mess out there that it had become necessary to clean the company.

And as of now, after Ravish Kumar’s exit his pawns are looking to follow his footprints. First, to join the Ravish brigade is of course Sreenivasan Jain but there are many more rumour-mongers who will bite the dust.

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