Welcome to India: Where Yakub Memon’s grave is beautified but Raja Raja Cholan stands forgotten

Indians have been taught perverted history. Indigenous Hindu kings have been willfully written off from the history books while bigoted thugs and barbaric Mughals have been glorified by the communist distorians. To make things worse, appeasement politics solidified this travesty with our civilisational and cultural history. This has led to false iconography and lionization of dacoits and demonic Mughals. This pathetic and cruel joke on our ancestors and civilisational history has been witnessed time and again.

Terrorists being glorified, showered with praises and tears

In 1993, 13 explosions rocked the hustling and bustling Mumbai. Around 237 innocent citizens lost their life in these horrendous terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, only one terrorist was brought to Justice in this horrific case. Convicted terrorist Mohammad Yakub Memon was hanged till death for aiding and abetting these cycle of bomb blasts in Mumbai. However, even this partial Justice came after a long wait of 22-years.

Since then, several communal politicians and Islamo-leftist lobby has been rubbing salt on the wounds of survivors and ordinary citizens traumatised by those ghastly terror attacks. Earlier, they had tried to stall the hanging of the terrorist Yakub Memon failing which they started crying foul. Shamefully, hundreds of thousands terror sympatisers joined his funeral clearly signalling a soft corner for such dreaded terrorists and ideology of hatred.

Read More: Yakub Memon grave beautification: How long will India allow terror sympathisers to do their bidding?

Most recently, Mumbaikars and netizens were shocked to find that the grave of this dreaded terrorist was getting an overahaul. The grave was lit up with halogen and LED lights. Yakub’s family members, terrorist sympathisers and communal politicians were turning the grave into a Mazar to lionise and eulogise the convicted terrorist Yakub Memon. Costly marble was being used to beautify the grave and turn it into a place of large gathering. It seems as if it is becoming a monument for many believers in such bigotry and ideology of hate.

Also Read: ‘Traitors turned patriots’, Yakub Memon apologist and Dawood’s confidante join Uddhav cabinet

Some politicians even found nothing wrong in this anti-India act which promotes animosity and fear among citizens and lionise terrorists. He even termed it a display of public love.

Grave Injustice with the legendary warrior

A picture is going viral on social media which highlights the glaring contrast between the graves of a mighty warrior Raja Raja Cholan and a dreaded terrorist Yakub Memon. The picture clearly depicts the dilapidated condition of the Samadhi of India’s one of the greatest warrior King who broadened the horizon of Indian boundary to new heights. Unlike the grave of terrorist Yakub Memon, the samadhi of Indian King Raja Raja Cholan has not been maintained properly. It is neither properly fenced nor has been converted into a permanent structure.

His samadhi is in Udayalur near Thanjavur. The present condition of his samadhi highlights that the great warrior king has been sadly forgotten and left to oblivion.

Also Read: The Chola Empire was one of the greatest Indian empires, but Marxist historians buried it

Apparently, People had been highlighting this apathy towards the legendary king for more than half a decade.

Once in 2019, Tamil Nadu archaeological department conducted an inspection at this burial. It was to ascertain the claim that the said burial site in Udayalur is a burial place of King Raja Raja Cholan. The inspection was conducted at the orders of Madras High Court. The court was hearing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by G Thirumurugan from Ramanathapuram. The petitioner had highlighted that the burial site in Udayalur was that of Raja Raja Chola and it was not properly maintained.

It is tragic to note that around three years have passed since the Judicial battle but the grave of the legendary warrior has been left to its sorry state. The tardy Judicial process and willful ignorance of communal politicians have done great injustice with the Hindu King and devoid him of a graceful death.

It is time that Communal politicians and terror sympatisers are hold legally accountable for their immoral and illegal act of terror sympatising.

Further, acclaimed Hindi lyricist Manoj Muntashir once started a campaign to highlight grave injustice done to Indian history. He had asked, “Whose descendant are you?” He advised people to choose their legacy and hero wisely without falling prey to the adulterated and manufactured history. It seems that it is time for us to answer this very question and hold ourselves accountable for doing injustice to our civilisational heroes.

It is time we undone this injustice and pass on the great legacy of our indigenous heroes to our next generations and pay our sincere gratitudes for the continuation of this great Sanatani civilisation.

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