Everyone in this world is trying to conquer something. Some want a job, some doing business, some happiness, and Some are looking for peace. We all try to conquer an area or field to live our life. The following conquer quotes are collected from different entities and they will try to codify conquer. Feel free to share and above all enjoy the quotes.
24 Conquer quotes
Keep looking if you haven’t discovered it yet.
Conquer the world via intelligence rather than by allowing yourself to be slavishly controlled by the dread it produces.
You can only conquer the world if you first conquer yourself.
You can conquer the world together if you can find others who hold the same principles as you.
You will rule the world if you can master your ideas.
Remember this if you ever have to choose between the world and love: Choosing the world will leave you without love, but choosing love will enable you to conquer the world.
One can rule the world with righteousness and stillness.
Whoever rules the mind also rules the world.
Winner captions and sayings
We desire to rule the world when we are foolish. The goal of wisdom is to overcome oneself. That starts when we act as we ought to, regardless of our feelings.
When you don’t take a shot, you always miss.
We must first conquer ourselves before we can dominate the world.
Loving what you do is the only way to produce excellent work. Keep looking if you haven’t discovered it yet. Don’t give in.
When you can entirely rely on someone, feel like you can take on the world as a team, know they’ll be there for you when you need them, and, most importantly, you can make each other laugh, that’s when you’re in love.
The world has been conquered by this man! How did you act? ” The philosopher said without hesitating for a second, “I’ve overcome my desire to rule the world.
By using force to rule the globe, you will only increase resistance. Jenny, I’ve always wanted to perform miracles. I’ve always desired to be holy. I assume it was ambition, pride, or another undeserving emotion. I wanted to conquer heaven since it wasn’t enough for me to rule the planet alone.
Before you can conquer the world, you must first conquer yourself. I entered the rap game in 1992; my life was changing, but my group wasn’t successful. In the years that followed, I also witnessed some of the biggest rappers in the world pass away unexpectedly.
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Conquer quotes
Conquering the world using diplomatic means, as opposed to using force, results in a long-lasting conquest.
If you give me a beer-loving woman, I will rule the world.
This life is a fabrication. I conquered the world, but it didn’t make me happy.
And what lesson can we learn from the past of Volantene? It is best to have dragons if you wish to rule the world.
We Jews have always been and always will be the destroyers. Nothing you do will satisfy our needs and demands. We want our own world, which we shall trash forever.
I shall rule the world if you give me an army that is reciting the Rosary.
I shall rule the world if you give me twenty-six troops made of lead.
I wouldn’t say that I still want to rule the globe. But I want to contribute to improving the world. I wish to motivate others and contribute to the solution.
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