33 % Fail. 4 Dead. Jagan destroys Andhra’s education system

Youth is considered to be the driving force of any nation/state. So, it is important to impart the right knowledge to them. But what if the whole education system crumbles? Will the nation/state prosper? Well keeping that in mind, the future of Andhra Pradesh seems to be bleak. As, the education system in AP seems to be in a sorry state of affairs. The unscientific and autocratic decisions of the Jagan government seem to have ruined crucial years of lakhs of young minds.

Andhra Pradesh Class 10th result

The AP SSC Class 10th exams were held for the first time after two years of COVID pandemic. While some students rejoiced at their results, the overall result broke all previous records. No, not in the positive sense. With an overall result of 67.26% the state performed worst in the past 20 years in terms of pass percentage. Around 33% of students, that is, no less than 2 lakh students failed the class 10th exams. The result analysis also highlights that there is a day and night contrast in some cases. As 797 schools recorded 100% passing students and 71 schools saw 0% pass.

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One more disturbing fact is that the dilapidated state is not only of the usual suspects, which is, the government schools but the private ones as well. As, out of 71 schools where no student cleared the Class 10 board exam, 31 are private schools. While it is a well established fact that every kid doesn’t perform well in academics. But the large-scale failure reflects on the poor performance of the education system in Andhra. It is sad to note that around four students ended their life after failing in exams.

Reason: COVID or Government failure?

As expected, the officials and education department of the state dismissed it as their failure. They find COVID pandemic alone to be the reason for it. But in reality it is the failure of the concerned departments and the Andhra government. As COVID can’t be used as an excuse as the whole world was suffering the brunt of COVID. They invented ways to impart continuous knowledge to their students.

Earlier, the Andhra Pradesh CM Jagan Mohan Reddy claimed to provide education as “property to every child in the state”. But that doesn’t seem to have aged well. As it is a fact that truth has a habit of coming out. The result of class 10th has exposed all the failures of the AP’s education system. One major reason for this wide scale failure is being linked to the forceful imposition of English. Earlier, The Jagan led government was wrongfully adamant with its love for the English language. It forcefully imposed English as the medium of instruction in all schools, colleges and universities. For that it engaged their 95,000 teachers in English language training.

Read More: Jagan ends Telugu as medium of instruction in Andhra govt schools

It seemed as if going with the mainstream is not the way AP government functions. Research indicates that having a strong mother tongue foundation leads to a much better understanding of the curriculum as well as a more positive attitude towards school. That is why the New Education Policy (NEP) talks about imparting knowledge to kids in their mother tongue.

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The AP government seems to have fallen for the norm that English is a standard to judge the knowledge of any person. It forgets that language is just a medium of communication, not a skill in itself. Instead of focusing on language it should have focused on imparting knowledge. The analysis of the Class 10th results highlights that most of the students failed in subjects like Maths and Science. The Macaulian system had already rotten the Indian education system. So, it is time for the AP government to smell the coffee and dump this forceful imposition of English. It should stop playing with the life of India’s future for their love for a language.

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