Varun Grover has compared Prithviraj Chauhan with Ravan and I have no hopes left for the movie

Prithviraj Chauhan movie

Heard about Prithviraj Chauhan- the upcoming movie? Of course, it is all over the place. You must have heard about it.

You must have also heard about “Hari Har”- a central track of the Prithviraj Chauhan movie. The song has a great background, beautiful composition and at an overall level, it is rather enthralling. But listen carefully and you will find something strange.

“Aisa ek prithviraj jaise lanka mein dashanan”

The lyrics of the song have been given by Varun Grover and it seems to compare Prithviraj Chauhan with several historical figures in the country. So, it is more like the flavour of the Prithviraj Chauhan movie. It is at the core of the movie and is pivotal to the main character.

The opening stanza of the song compares Prithviraj Chauhan with historical figures. At the beginning, it states, “Aisa ek prithviraj jaise gokul mein ho mohan. Aisa ek prithviraj jaise kurkchhetra mein Arjun.” Now, the analogy with Bhagwan Krishna’s childhood and warrior Arjun is fine.

However, it continues, “Aisa ek prithviraj jaise Lanka mein dashanan.” Now, the comparison with ‘Lanka mein Dashanan’, that is, Ravana is outlandish and we don’t even understand how it makes any sense. And this is why we have no hope left for the Prithviraj Chauhan movie.

Whitewashing Ravan?

Now, you might be wondering why Prithviraj Chauhan, the great warrior who represents Rajputana valour, is being compared with a despicable character like Ravan? Well, it is a part of the left-liberal plot to whitewash Ravan.

If you go through the Ramayan, you will realise that Ravana wasn’t really a great warrior. Ravana was a coward. He wasn’t even invincible. In fact, he was beaten badly by Kartavirya Arjun, who toyed with him, royally. In another instance, he was literally played with, by Bali (Sugriva’s elder brother), who trapped the 10-headed tyrant in his armpit for days, so Angada (Bali’s son) could have fun with his new ‘doll’. Angada, who eventually got bored of his new ‘doll’, threw him away in the ocean when he was done with his playtime.

Read more: “Ravana was not a mythical figure,” Sri Lanka is conducting research on this and wants India to join it

Meghnatha (or Indrajit), Ravana’s son did put up a fight. So did Kumbhkarna, his younger brother. But, Ravana never put up a fight. Ravana was just a mayavi and until his maya was present, he appeared a bit powerful. The moment Rama targeted Ravana’s navel (upon Vhibhishan’s insistence), the latter dropped dead.

Hence, Ravana was not a ‘great’ warrior. He was a brutal terrorist who exerted his dominance mainly through his Maya and through his other skilled warriors in his army.

Read more: Ravana was not a master warrior, scholar or anything that liberals say. He was a coward, a terrorist, and a rapist

Left-liberals toying with Indian history

In fact, the myths propagating Ravana as a great warrior who was supposedly moved by a desire to avenge his sister’s insult are all a part of a larger desire to toy with Indian history.

The left-liberal cabal wants to push its own narrative at the cost of manipulating Indian history and proven facts. Whitewashing Ravan’s character seems to be a part of this strategy. At the end of the day, Prithviraj Chauhan doesn’t deserve to be compared with such a despicable character. The analogy is therefore making us lose all hope with the Prithviraj Chauhan movie.

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