Is it the end of Nitish era in Bihar?

Nitish kumar is in the Endgame now

Nitish Kumar Rajya Sabha

Credits: India Today

Winds of change have started to blow in Bihar. After years of tepid, lethargic rule that has pushed Bihar decades back, is now in the development race, JDU leader and Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has hinted that he may be hanging up his boots and setting sail for the Rajya Sabha.

In an informal meeting with media persons in his office in the Bihar assembly, Nitish Kumar remarked that he would like to go to the Rajya Sabha someday as it would mean matching the record of two contemporaries – Lalu Yadav and Sushil Modi – who have been members of all houses of parliament and the assembly.

Nitish Kumar said, “I served in Lok Sabha, Vidhan Sabha, and Vidhan Parishad in Bihar but never served as a Rajya Sabha member. It is my wish that I would serve as a Rajya Sabha member one day. At present, I would not think of it,”

He further stated, “I won’t mind going to the Rajya Sabha but for now, I have the responsibilities of Chief Minister. I have been Chief Minister for over 16 years, so I don’t know…”

While Nitish Kumar made the statements in an informal conversation, JDU leader and Bihar Minister Sanjay Kumar Jha took to Twitter to quash the ‘rumours’.

Jha said in a tweet, “I’m intrigued at the rumour that Hon CM Shri @NitishKumar is contemplating going to Rajya Sabha! This is mischievous, and far from the truth. Shri Kumar has the people’s mandate to serve Bihar and will continue to do so for the full term as Chief Minister. He is not going anywhere!”

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BJP has become the largest party in Bihar

While JDU scurried around without a plan, Nitish’s open manifestation for a Rajya Sabha seat comes at a crucial time. It is pertinent to note that BJP has emerged as the single largest party in the state after all three Vikassheel Insaan Party (VIP) legislators joined BJP on Wednesday.

With the three VIP MLAs in its kitty, the BJP has now 77 MLAs in the Assembly. The RJD with 75 legislators has come to the second position. The JDU has 45 MLAs, the Congress 19 and the Lefts parties have 15 MLAs.

Thus, the top brass of the BJP may have been mulling its options to install a BJP Chief Minister in the state as the ground workers and cadre had been demanding for long. While removing Nitish may have created unnecessary friction, it appears that both parties have found a mutually beneficial agreement.

Read More: “Stop Blackmailing or we will be forced to take action”, BJP’s bold warning to Nitish Kumar

Nitish to be the Vice President?

If the political chatter is to be believed; BJP has doled out the proposition of crowning Nitish Kumar as the Vice President of the country which automates his entry into the Rajya Sabha as a speaker. Nitish Kumar is in the twilight of his career. He no longer has the support of the public nor the support of his allies. He is simply getting by doing the bare minimum, which is keeping Bihar miles behind in the development race.

Thus, it augurs well for him to get ahead when his political name still amounts to something. He has been the state’s chief minister since 2005 and every voter in the state will gladly watch him make space for a new leader.

Read More: One of these 4 should be groomed by the BJP if they are serious about removing Nitish Kumar

Nitish and his Mahapaapi statement

Moreover, Nitish appears to have lost it with his public outbursts as his recent monologue against the evils of ‘alcohol consumption’ suggested.

Reacting to Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MLC Sunil Singh’s demand to drop cases from drinkers and release them from jails, Kumar said, “I would call them mahapaapi. I would say those who are not following Mahatma Gandhi are not even Hindustanis. They are incompetent people.”

Prohibition in Bihar has made little difference on the ground. Instead, it has opened up an underworld where bootlegging or smuggling of alcohol has become the phenomenon. And yet Nitish thumps his chest for the prohibition order and often goes on tirades as mentioned earlier.

Read More: In 2016 Carlsberg had promised to transform Bihar. But Nitish Kumar stuck a dagger in its CEO’s back

Bihar and its love affair with Nitish Kumar have lasted far longer than one would have liked. The relationship turned toxic long ago but somehow both, or rather Kumar wasn’t able to let go. However, a glimmer of hope has protruded from somewhere and Biharis would hope that Nitish takes the bait and leaves Bihar for good.

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