Bollywood has blood on its hands and all its Aryan Khans need to be straightened out, not sympathised with

Drugs are a global menace. But the repercussions of having a bustling drug industry are different for different nations. For individuals, it is usually just one pill, one puff and one snort which can change their lives for the worse forever. Getting out of drugs is not easy. It is a gruelling challenge, which many attempt, but most fail at. Drugs have been portrayed in India not as a means of pleasure and ecstasy alone. Drugging has been projected as a way of elevating one’s social standing. Among the affluent, drugs are today considered a symbol of an enhanced social status. Talking about the highs which different drugs give one with a sense of pompousness and pride has become an intellectual conversation of sorts. 

There has come to exist a drug portfolio in society. The larger variety of drugs which one has tried, the more experienced he or she is considered. This sense of validation only further reinforces their belief that drugs are harmless, and indeed, are helping them create a space for themselves in an otherwise judgemental society. MDMA, hashish, molly, heroin, cocaine – for those seeking to make a name for themselves in society using the support of drugs, the more the merrier. Drugs, they say, take them to different places. It takes them to a different dimension. It makes them see colours where there are none. It gives their bankrupt minds a sense of intellectual and artistic richness. 

But here’s the thing – this is all just a lie, propounded most often as nothing more than an excuse to justify drug use. And in India, the usage of drugs for merrymaking and pleasure should be made a crime so stern that nobody dares lay their hands on narcotics, ever. This is easier said than done, however, an attempt must be made to educate Indians that their merrymaking using drugs can result in the death of other Indians. This is not hyperbole. This is a fact. 

America’s Drug Culture Not as Severe as India’s

The United States and its society, you might think, is engulfed by drugs. Recently, a video from Philadelphia went sensationally viral on social media, showing how homeless junkies were simply in no control of themselves. One would think that India is much better off than the United States when it comes to the drug menace. The phenomenon of drug abuse is not all-pervasive in India, and is considered a taboo of sorts. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Here’s why. 

The drug menace in the United States is purely economic and business-oriented in nature. Definitely, crimes are committed by drug syndicates, cartels, dealers and distributors to ensure a seamless supply and flow of drugs on American streets – but at the end of the day, the final goal of the entire machinery is to mint as much money as possible. 

So, drug cartels from Mexico or Latin America pushing drugs into the United States are purely chasing financial profits. They have no ulterior geopolitical goals. They do not aim to create insurgencies within the US. What they want is money. The money comes at the cost of American lives, but it is at least not used to fund terrorism across the world, and specifically against a country. 

So, the drug menace in the US is merely a domestic problem. It poses no terror threats to the country, neither are American junkies contributing towards the evisceration of their own country. 

India’s Drug Menace Far More Catastrophic

For India, the stakes are much higher. The pleasure of a few entitled brats – who despite education, and despite knowing all the damage that drugs can do to them – can result in the deaths of fellow Indians at the hands of this country’s enemies. Those who engage in the illegality must be made to face the harshest music of law. In India, drugs are not merely a societal problem. They not only affect individuals and their immediate families. The fact is, every drug user in India is contributing to India’s national security being put at jeopardy. 

Pakistan pushes drugs into India via Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab and Rajasthan. These are then circulated all over India, and the proceeds of the same are sent back to Pakistan. It does not require an incredible genius to know that such drug money is used by Pakistan to fund its terror operations against India. So, every drug abuser in India is, in fact, contributing to Pakistan’s terror industry flourishing, and has blood on their hands as a direct consequence. 

So, while the likes of Aryan Khan, his friends, Bollywood at large and all pompous Indians might think that they are creating a pop-image for themselves among society by being drug addicts, what they are really doing is a crime of the highest order. India is facing a continuous terror threat from Pakistan, and it is their money which is contributing to the same. 

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