Young, Old, Pregnant, and Disabled – The weird excuses that leftists come up with to get their comrades free

leftists excuses disha ravi

Leftists have quite the appetite for committing crimes, particularly against the sovereignty and integrity of the nation they belong to. Radicals and extremists from the Left side of the political spectrum do not shy away from waging a war against their own country, simply because the rule of the politburo is not supreme. However, when the time comes for such insane individuals to face the law and live to see the consequences their actions are about to have, leftists mobilise entire global support systems to come up with the most lame and ludicrous of excuses to evade the law.

In India, particularly, comrades are over-enthusiastic about making lives miserable for common citizens and indulging in anti-national activities. However, when law-enforcing agencies come cracking down hard on such elements, they almost involuntarily start playing the victim card, and complementing the same with hilarious excuses. The most recent example of such behaviour was exhibited by the coterie which has risen in steadfast support of “climate activist” Disha Ravi, who has been arrested for waging an information war against India globally.

Ridiculous excuses are being made by fellow-comrades of Disha’s to somehow invalidate the 21-year-olds arrest and justify her actions of colluding with Khalistani organisations to defame India and destabilise the Modi government. The liberals who are sympathising with Disha Ravi, are constantly using her age, her grandfather’s farming background, and the fact that she is the sole breadwinner of her family consisting of a single mother to somehow showcase how the Delhi Police is an insensitive force. That Disha Ravi was herself reeling under a guilty conscience for quite some time before her arrest, to the extent that she pre-empted being slapped with the stringent UAPA is something which her comrades continue to ignore as of this moment.

Read more: Disha Ravi is a vegan, sole bread earner, animal lover and a kid basically everything but not a scheming anti-national that she is

However, this behaviour on the part of Indian leftists is not entirely new. In the case of Safoora Zargar of Delhi’s Jamia Milia Islamia, liberals went on endlessly ranting over how the brutal Indian state was victimising an ‘innocent’ and ‘young’ woman, who happened to be pregnant. That Safoora Zargar was pregnant became the mainstay of liberals’ arguments to justify her release. The lack of substance and absence of meritorious arguments apart from Safoora’s pregnancy played a big role in liberals not finding any other excuses to support her.

In 2017, wheelchair-bound Delhi University professor Gokarakonda Naga Saibaba was sentenced to life imprisonment under various sections of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act and the IPC for aiding and abetting Naxal activities. Then too, liberals went hysterical claiming how the Indian state was tormenting a disabled man. However, the court had observed, “Merely because Saibaba is 90 per cent disabled is no ground to show him leniency… he is physically handicapped but he is mentally fit, a thinktank and a high-profile leader of banned organisations.”

It has become almost a regular affair for leftists to come up with new, weird and hilarious excuses to set their comrades free. However, the law continues to take its own course despite the rants of a few ideologically intoxicated zombies.

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