Turkey sold dreams of Kashmir to Pakistan and took away everything from it

pakistan turkey kashmir

Turkey, led by its madmen Islamic leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan is continuing to fleece the terrorist state of Pakistan by selling it rosy yet unattainable dreams that together the two radical Islamist countries will take back Kashmir from India. Consequently, Imran Khan–a stooge of the Pakistani Army and ISI, heavily inebriated in his Turkish love is going out of his way by sending dilapidated Pakistani troops to fight for Turkey in foreign lands where it doesn’t have any say.

According to a Times Now report, Pak PM Imran Khan has sent his troops to fight alongside the Turkish military and Azerbaijan Army in Agdam. As per a telephonic conversation between two locals in the area, Free News.AM reported that two Azerbaijanis mentioned about the presence of Pakistanis in the territory.

Needing reinforcements to fight the looming war, Turkey has turned towards its lapdog Pakistan which has been handed the lollipop of Kashmir off late by its new master. Ankara has been assisting Islamabad in the Kashmir discourse (Read: Erdogan’s speech in UNGA 2019, 2020), much to India’s chagrin and an indebted Pakistan is returning the favor by pledging its support to Turkey in its misadventures in West Asia, including providing military support in Syria and other neighboring states.

Pakistan has already soured its relations with the Arab world by siding with Turkey and therefore it doesn’t have any other option than to help out Ankara.

Islamabad was always on the side of the Arab world before Saudi Arabia, the de-facto leader of the Muslim world announced that Kashmir issue was India’s internal matter and therefore it wasn’t going to partake in Pakistan’s conspicuous plans for the region.

Feeling dejected by the harsh treatment, Pakistan started looking for a surrogate master and thus swooped in Turkey which pressed all the right buttons to sway Pakistan to its tunes.

Turkey, under the rule of Erdogan, has grown extremely warm relations with Pakistan in recent times, much to the dismay of Arab and Gulf nations, particularly the global Islamic hegemony – Saudi Arabia. Erdogan thinks of himself as a wannabe Khalifa who has the responsibility to usher the Muslim world into a bygone era.

Overenthusiastic Erdogan’s Turkey is incessantly irritating the Arabs, with its dream of reinvigorating the glory of the erstwhile Ottoman Empire. It has repeatedly undermined Saudi Arabia’s position in OPEC and OIC—the two Muslim bodies where Saudi Arabia is the boss.

Pakistan helping out Turkey should also be seen from the financial lens as Saudi Arabia has bled dry the terrorist state after it started siding with Turkey. Imran Khan needs money to sustain the depleting economy of the country and it is pinning hopes o Turkey to bail it out.

Reported by TFI, despite the China-made pandemic and its devastating after effect on the global economy, Saudi Arabia made Pakistan pay back $1 billion of the loan granted way back in October 2018, four months ahead of its repayment period, with the country also stopping oil shipments to Pakistan on deferred payments as the deal for provision of US $3.2 billion worth of the fuel under the arrangement expired two months ago.

Comically, Pakistan took a $1 billion loan from China to payback Saudi Arabia. Pakistan has formally requested to extend the arrangement, but have so far received a cold response from the Saudis.

By abetting and physically leading Azerbaijan into inflicting casualties upon Armenia, Erdoğan is rubbing his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin the wrong way. Armenia is among Russia’s key allies. It is at the core of Moscow’s Central Asia and Caucasus strategy. As such the Kremlim is bound to defend Armenia given the orthodox Christian connect, Armenia’s member of the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and Moscow’s military interests in the Caucasian country.

Russia has already stopped supplying arms to Pakistan after India lodged its protest in front of Moscow and therefore the maneuver of sending Pakistani troops to fight a Russian ally will certainly not go down well with Putin.

Turkey has only given words of assurances to Pakistan in the last one and a half years, but on paper, it has done nothing of substance to help Pakistan in its cause. It is leeching the little left military and economic power of Pakistan and if this is the way Imran Khan continues to operate, then Turkey would use it and throw it like a used napkin.

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