Bloomsbury reneging on its contract to publish the book on Delhi Riots 2020 is an example of how leftists never learn

Thank you Leftists for running the biggest ad-campaign for Delhi Riots book


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It is a well-known fact that leftists have rants, right wing has facts. Leftists have soft power; right wing has money. Leftists are agenda peddlers and right wing is reactionary, and that is precisely why the Bloomsbury episode will backfire majorly, with early indications of the publishing house’s doom already being visible.

As it turns out, advocate Monika Arora has written a book about the Delhi Riots which unfolded early this year, during a state visit by the US President Donald Trump. She subsequently found a publisher by the name of Bloomsbury India. Great. The book would have released, a certain kind of people would have bought it and having read it superficially, would have cursed the “ones” behind it. End of story.

But no, leftists with their ranting abilities, tremendous soft power and agenda peddling capabilities just couldn’t digest the fact that one of their own – Bloomsbury, is in bed with the enemies. So, they bellowed till their voices went hoarse.

Bloomsbury got confused and took a knee jerk decision of reneging on its contract to publish the book. A stupid decision, to say the least, because now all leftists could do was congratulate each other publicly on Twitter and secretly in WhatsApp groups. Their role was officially over, the watch of the right began.

The reactionary right wing immediately swung into action and started tweeting and posting about Bloomsbury’s injustice and how it reneged on its contract to please a few elites who continue to have a disproportionate hold over the Indian literary and academic scene, despite shouting at the top of their voices for the past six years about how a fascist government was mercilessly trampling upon their freedoms and erstwhile rule over the minds of lowly Indian masses.

The withdrawal by Bloomsbury India to publish the said book became a major talking point, leading to the book being a hit even before it goes to print. Now, people will buy Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story for two reasons. First, to find what was in the book and second, what the leftists want to hide so desperately. For these reasons, and the kind of publicity which the Left provided for the book, I see a potential number 1 best seller.

Now some questions and their answers:

Will the book get a publisher?

It has got one already in the form of Garuda Prakashan.

Will it sell?

It will fly.

Who lost the game?

The Left lost the game though they are under the illusion that they won. The crashing of the servers of Garuda Prakashan’s website moments after they opened pre-bookings of the book serve as a testimony to the same.

Had I been a leftist, I wouldn’t even have told my best leftist friend about this book, let alone rant about it on Twitter. But will the leftists stop? No, they won’t. The illusion of victory is what they thrive on. And they will continue to lose, even though they think they are winning in their resistance against the fascists.

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