Italy donated PPE to China to combat Coronavirus. China sold them back to Italy

xi jinping, china, italy

Facing global outrage over the origin of COVID-19 in its unsanitary wet markets, and the massive coverup that followed misleading the entire world about the severity of the Pandemic, China has been running a major PR campaign- a propaganda war to be precise, to showcase itself as the saviour of the world from Coronavirus.

Of course, China has its own objectives to achieve- forcing countries to accept Huawei 5G in return of masks that China will supply to fight a virus that originated in China in the first place. With economic objectives in mind, China has ramped up the production of masks, ventilators and faulty testing kits, in an overdrive to export medical gear.

Particularly disturbing however is the case of Italy, which had donated Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) to China, when the latter was battling the Coronavirus. And now Beijing has shamelessly sold the same donations to back to Italy.

Today when the world economy is hit, and every single country is facing a shortage of PPE and other medical supplies, China is the only country whose economy has started functioning again to some extent.

Italy meanwhile is one of the worst-hit countries when it comes to the spread of Coronavirus, with the highest number of deaths in any country across the world.

Italy’s demographics had set it up for a high number of deaths- 23.3 per cent of people above 65 years of age meant that Italy suffered with the highest mortality rate in the fight against Coronavirus.

When Coronavirus struck China, Rome was generous enough to donate PPE to the mighty Dragon, but Beijing is rather disingenuous and is looking to profiteer out of Italy’s misery.

On the surface, the Dragon has been trying to pass off the sales as donations, but The Spectator has quoted a Trump administration official as saying, “China forced Italy to buy back the PPE supply that it gave to China during the initial coronavirus outbreak.”

Explaining further, he said, “Before the virus hit Europe, Italy sent tons of PPE to China to help China protect its own population,” and added, “China then has sent Italian PPE back to Italy — some of it, not even all of it … and charged them for it.”

As if wiping out the elderly population of Italy was not enough, Beijing now also wants to profiteer out of Rome’s misery. In fact, this only adds up to China’s reprehensible “masks diplomacy”.

Earlier, the Dragon had sold 6,40,000 defective testing kits to Spain- another country battered profoundly with the Chinese virus, statistically recording more deaths than China itself.

In the case of its all-weather ally Pakistan, Beijing has donated ‘underwear’ masks as a part of its generosity to help the Islamic Republic in its fight against the Coronavirus. China, being unable to convince the world about its innocence, is trying to confuse all other countries with its purported generosity.

The Trump administration official also said, “It’s so disingenuous for Chinese officials now to say we are the ones who are helping the Italians or we are the ones who are helping the developing world when, in fact, they are the ones who infected all of us.”

It is admitted that the entire world is battling the Wuhan infection today, because the Communist regime has been promoting industrial animal farming and unsanitary wet markets for the past several decades.

That China should help the rest of the world is essentially obligatory upon Beijing, and not a matter of generosity. It is utterly inhumane how Beijing wants to lay the foundations of an economic revival on the blood of those getting killed around the world due to the China-made virus.

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