How pseudo-secular parties ignore the non-Muslim victims of lynching and communal murders

lynching, non-muslim, victims

“People of this kind don’t care about anything, whether it is the community or the law. People like this do whatever comes to their mind. The mentality of a murderous mob and a rapist is the same; both do not have any control over their emotions. This is the reason behind the decline of societal values” says Psychiatrist Dr. KC Gurnani on the various cases of Mob violence being reported.

According to a  report, from 28 September 2018 to 7 June 2019 similar incidents of mob violence have taken lives of around 141 individuals, out of which 70 belonged to the Muslim Community while the remaining 71 victims belonged to non-Muslim community. While the pseudo-liberal ecosystem played hard to paint selective incidents as hate crimes against a single community, the statistics bring to light the serious nature of the problem where both Muslims and non-Muslims have been the victims of such crimes. However, it is important to note that most of these incidents which are being pushed as hate crimes against a single community did not have any sort of communal motivation but were mostly a  result of personal disputes between the parties involved.

The stark reality, however, is that the cases victims of such mob violence belonging to the Muslim community are highlighted by the media and the left-liberal brigade while victims of other communities are ignored.

Joining efforts by the pseudo-liberal ecosystems are some political parties which have also tried the same and meekly attempted to paint these incidents of law and order as communally motivated. These efforts by a few political parties are in line with their long standing modus operandi of exploiting such situations to reap political benefits. Over the past few days, the mob attack on Tabrez Ansari in Jharkhand has been in the spotlight for the pseudo-liberal ecosystem which has left no stone unturned to peddle their communal agenda over this heinous crime. Tabrez Ansari was beaten up by a mob after he was allegedly caught stealing a bike. Family of Tabrez had alleged a communal angle behind the incident. Undergoing treatment, Tabrez took his last breath four days after the incident, on 22 June in a hospital under judicial remand. Just a few days after the incident, local media reports suggested that around 20 people carrying the flags of All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) entered Dhatkidih village where Ansari was murdered and threatened the non-Muslim women of rape.

“A group of women have lodged an FIR at the Seraikela police station. They said they have been threatened with rape and other consequences. We are investigating the matter,” IANS reported the Superintendent of Police as saying.

Issues of this kind also provide open ground appeasement to peak while sensitivity takes a back seat. Continuing with its trend of minority appeasement, Arvind Kejriwal led AAP was also swift to reap out electoral benefits from the heinous crime. Delhi Waqf Board chairman and AAP legislator Amanatullah Khan visited Jharkhand and gave a check of Rs. 5 lakh to the wife of the victim and also promised government job to her as well. Soon after, reports of Tabrez’s Uncle withdrawing 7 lakh from Tabrez’s wife account have also surfaced. While these political parties are fast to act in cases which provide an opportunity of communal polarization, they eat a frog when the victims involved don’t pose to benefit them politically.

Similar is the case of Ankit Saxena who was murdered by the family of the Muslim Girl he was dating, as the communal dynamics of this incident didn’t suit the pseudo-liberal agenda. After much outrage and pressure the same AAP Government had promised to provide financial help to the family of Anshul Saxena. However, according to reports, the family got the financial assistance just recently, after more than a year of the heinous mob lynching. Similar stories have been the norm in other cases as well when the identity of the lynching victim was inconvenient for the pseudo-secular class. At one end the victims get assistance within days while on the other end family of non-Muslim victims of lynching have to wait for years for any financial assistance, if any at all.

The murder of Dhruv Tyagi in Delhi, the Bajrang Dal activist Deepak in Mangaluru or the murder of Khetaram Bheel, allegedly for having an affair with a Muslim woman, in Rajasthan never succeeded even generating the amount of news coverage, let alone outrage of the left-liberal cabal. Neither the pseudo-secular parties visited their homes, nor did they cry hoarse on the prime time debates.  For the parties indulging in ‘tragedy tourism’, as Amanatullah Khan did yesterday, the mob lynching of non-Muslim communities were nothing but stats and were conveniently brushed under the carpet by these pseudo-secular parties.

The entire secular-political class jumps to the defense of the victims from one community but the non-Muslim lynching victims are ignored and often their murder is justified as it has happened numerous times. The selective outrage and the ‘tragedy tourism’ by the secular political class have reached absurd levels now and must be addressed. While these cases of law and order need to be addressed firmly by the administration, communal agenda peddling by certain entities divert the attention from real problems to superficial political communal narratives.

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