Indian media portals continue to eulogize the missionary killed by the Sentinelese for trespassing

missionary, media, tribals

PC: The Logical Indian

An American missionary, John Allen Chau, who illegally trespassed on the North Sentinel Island in order to convert the tribals, was killed by them this week when he attempted to enter the island again. Confirmed by the local sources, the missionary had evaded both the local authorities, as well as the Indian Coast Guard, and had even bribed the fishermen to ferry him to the island, unaware of the fate that was in store for him.

For those unaware, the local tribes of the North Sentinel Island from the Andaman Islands are declared as endangered by both India and the world, and are apparently hostile to any outside contact. They’re protected by the Indian government under a special rule drafted in 2017. As such, it is forbidden for tourists to have any contact with them, and they would be punished if caught. As per the local reports, the fishermen who ferried the deceased missionary to the island have been arrested and kept in police custody.

Through international media reports, and some firsthand research by right wing portals in India, it is confirmed that John Allen Chau was a repeated offender, who wished to exercise his evangelical zeal over the inhabitants of the island mentioned. As per the foreign media, John ‘wanted to introduce them to Jesus’. Some evangelical websites, like, even labeled him as a ‘martyr to the cause of Christianity.’

However, some of our media portals are not at all ready to accept the fact that a missionary was killed by the local tribals for intruding on their island. They’re whitewashing the guilt of this guy to such an extent that it is now even breaching all limits of shamelessness.

Leading the pack is the controversial media channel Brut India, who posted the following video:

(PC: Brut India)

Similar arguments were furthered by another channel, The Logical Indian, who took the whitewashing of the missionary’s actions to a nauseating level altogether, as shown below:

(PC: Logical Indian)

In this fest to eulogize the missionary, how could our beloved ‘TheWire’ be left behind. While Brut India at least had the shame to acknowledge the reality of the missionary, and even address him as such, ‘The Wire’ is hell bent on proving that John Chau was not a missionary but an innocent traveler, murdered by vicious tribals who resisted his peaceful messages. Following is an excerpt from the article:

(PC: The Wire)

If eulogizing and whitewashing the missionary wasn’t enough, ‘The Wire’ took their malicious agenda to a nauseating level. Even though the statement came from apparently a tribal rights NGO, ‘The Wire’ wishes to suggest that the Indian authorities are wholly responsible for the crime, and as such, they should be prosecuted for it. Talk of shamelessness being so blatantly broadcasted as this. Isn’t this misleading and outrageous at the same time?

To be honest, the shamelessness of the Indian media is well known throughout the world. But what these left liberals in their pursuit to eulogize a vicious missionary are doing is atrocious. These portals and media outlets will not be able to continue this for much longer now that the masses are becoming aware of their tactics day by day.

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