Rahul Gandhi proves he is an ‘Icchadhari Hindu’

rahul gandhi, hindutav

PC: Postcard news

The Congress President Rahul Gandhi said that he does not believe in any kind of Hindutva. He said, “I don’t believe in any kind of Hindutva, soft or hard.” So it means that his all temple runs, Janeu and Shiv Bhakti during the Gujarat assembly elections were all fake and a tool to get the votes of Hindus. When people questioned intentions behind Rahul’s sudden love for the temples, his ‘spokespersons’ claimed that the Gandhi scion is a janueudhari Brahmin. This claim was surreal for Indian people but many proxies of Congress in media, academia and Bollywood industry enthusiastically celebrated this fact. And some people who are well aware of the sins of the Congress were appalled at the fact that the president of the party which coined and peddled the narrative of ‘Hindu Terror’ has suddenly become a devoted Shiv Bhakt.

Now, the truth is out. His temple runs were just political stunts and not some new found respect for Hindu Dharm, or sudden realization of his Hindu ancestry, as it is clearly evident from his latest statement. BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra has rightly observed, “Whenever he senses a benefit, he becomes a janeu-dhaari, and when he sees an adverse reaction, he leaves his ”janeu” and forgets Lord Shiva.” Mr Patra also said, “A few days back he had said that Congress was a ”Muslim party” and today he said he has no faith in Hindutva. It is humiliating to the majority community.” Sambit Patra has rightly pointed out that Rahul Gandhi is an ‘icchadhari Hindu’, when it is politically beneficial to wear a janeu or visit a temple he will do it.

No matter how much conditions are bad, Rahul Gandhi is talented enough to make it worse. Gandhi scion’s this statement and earlier one too when he allegedly said that Congress is a Muslim party would come as a huge disappointment to his cheerleaders who were ready to endorse his so-called ‘Soft-Hindutva’ as a necessary evil for a bigger cause that is to defeat PM Modi in the 2019 general elections. Apart from this, Rahul’s statement also cements the fact that for Hindus, the Congress is and will always remain hostile.

The Congress leaders, right from the president to the foot soldiers have an inherent dislike towards Hinduism. As per Wikileaks cables, Rahul Gandhi told US Ambassador Timothy Roamer that radicalized Hindu groups pose a bigger threat to India as compared to radical Islamist Pakistani groups.

Rahul Gandhi went on to say that although there are evidences of some radical youth joining LeT, the number of youth joining radical Hindu organizations are more and hence this is a bigger threat to the country. Its leaders coined and peddled terms like ‘Hindu Terror’. Its senior leader talks about India becoming a Hindu Pakistan. Just few days ago, Congress leader Hussain Dalwai insulted Bhagwan Ram and Mata Sita. Not just insult, in the past, its leader had gone to the extent questioning the existence of Bhagwan Ram. It is because of the policies of the Congress, along with the other secular parties, that the Hindus had started feeling like second class citizens in their own country. And this is one of the reasons why Congress party was thrown out of the power in 2014 but it looks the party has not learned any lessons and once again it is ready to repeat the same mistake in 2019.

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