Amnesty International : Rohingya militants butchered Hindus in Myanmar

Kerlala Rohingyas, Rohingyas Muslim, Hindus, Massacre, Myanmar, terrorists

“They slaughtered the men. We were told not to look at them … They had knives. They also had some spades and iron rods. … We hid ourselves in the shrubs there and were able to see a little … My uncle, my father, my brother – they were all slaughtered”, said a woman from the village of Ah Nauk Kha Maung Seik

On 24th and 25th of September 2017, some ‘mass graves’ of butchered Hindus were uncovered by the Myanmar Army in the Northern Rakhine. Then the news of the massacre of the Hindus started developing and predictably many mainstream media houses were scary and wary of the authenticity of the reports. The findings showed that the Rohingya Muslim Militants being responsible for the killings. The media did not want to buy the theory that the perpetrators were the Rohingya Muslim Militants, despite the fact that the role of this group was confirmed by the Myanmar Army.

The Indian mainstream media did not show any desire to take up the investigation into the incident, yet the International media quickly entered and conducted the investigation about the matter. A couple of International media team could manage to visit the site where the mass graves were uncovered by the Myanmar Army despite restrictions in the place. Today this bygone incident once again in the news now, as the Amnesty International has released their Investigation report yesterday confirming the fact that the Hindus in the villages of Rakhine, were butchered by the Rohingyas and buried in mass graves around the villages in Northern Rakhine.

Amnesty International is a recognized International Human Rights organization. Their duty is to fight for human rights, wherever there is a human rights abuse. Amnesty International was accused of their selective condemnations of human right abuse throughout the world. So, Amnesty International undertaking this very investigation of ‘Hindus massacre’ is consoling.They did a good professional job by taking up this extensive investigation into the Hindu mass killings’ by ARSA in Rakhine. The report with which they came out yesterday was significant for a reason that it was their first exposure of the ‘Islamist’ cult of culling the ‘kafirs‘ throughout the globe.


ARSA: Who is this ARSA? What are they up to? Arkan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) is an armed militant group formed by the Rohingya Muslims. It had a popular Face Book page, which was later removed by FaceBook. It was previously known as ‘Harkat Ul Yaqeen” formed by Abdus Qadoos Burmi who lived in Pakistan but is of Myanmar (Burma) origin. Burmi had connections with Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jamaat-ud-Daawah of Pakistan. It is important to note that Lashkar Chief Hafeez Sayeed’s Political outfit ‘Milli Muslim League’ took out a huge rally in August last year. Hafeez also openly declared that his cadre men were sent to Myanmar to assist the militants.


This Rohingya militant outfit was very active on Social Media. They ran their well-designed campaign for a long time, and the FB Pages through which they spread fake and false news, photos and videos purportedly showing the atrocities of Myanmar Army on their community. Its aim was to attract the popular and active Militant groups elsewhere in the world to get connected with ARSA. During the troubled period, Rohingya Militants were getting armed training across the Myanmar Bangladesh borders. Islami Chhatra Shibirr (ICS) members from the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh were also well connected with the Rohingya Militants.

Why ARSA target Hindus? It is their first step entry into the ‘Global Jihad’

Massacre in Kha Maung Seik-what Amnesty International said in its report:

“At around 8am on 25 August 2017, ARSA attacked the Hindu community in the village of Ah Nauk Kha Maung Seik, in a cluster of villages known as Kha Maung Seik in northern Maungdaw Township. At the time of the attack, the Hindu villagers lived in close proximity to the Rohingya villagers, who are predominantly Muslim. Rakhine villagers, who are predominantly Buddhist, also lived in the same area. Armed men dressed in black and local Rohingya villagers in plain clothes rounded up dozens of Hindu women, men and children. They robbed, bound, and blindfolded them before marching them to the outskirts of the village, where they separated the men from the women and young children.

A few hours later, the ARSA fighters killed 53 of the Hindus, execution-style, starting with the men. Eight Hindu women and eight of their children were abducted and spared, after ARSA fighters forced the women to agree to ‘convert’ to Islam. The survivors were forced to flee with the fighters to Bangladesh several days later, before being repatriated to Myanmar in October 2017 with the support of the Bangladeshi and Myanmar authorities”.

Amnesty has recorded the horrendous killing spree of Hindus in more comprehensive manner. Amnesty has now established the real perpetrators behind the massacre of Hindus. It is important because many ‘Left lenient’ Indian portals had expressed their apprehension when the fingers pointed at Rohingya Militants’ for the brutal killings of 100 Hindus. The ‘’ in particular, is the culprit. In it’s 2nd October 2017 story the caption read “Who really attacked the Rohingya Hindus in Myanmar’s Rakhine state” The write up was a “deliberately manipulated” piece which had expressed their apprehensions that the real culprits could be either the Myanmar Army or the Buddhist extremists, or both. Now they have ‘egg on their faces’ since the truth has come from the horse’s mouth.

Ataullah Abu Ammar Jununi is the commander of ARSA terror outfit. The Karachi born Ataullah’s parents were originally migrants from Rakhine Myanmar in 1960’s. The family then moved to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, where Ataullah served as an Imam to the one and half lakhs Rohingya Diasporas. What obviously began a resistant movement by the Rohingya Militants, now turned into a Jihadi outfit trained by Bangladeshi outfits and now aligned with global terror outfits. The Hindus massacre by the outfit ought to be their first step in their cry for kafirs elimination. Though the Amnesty report carefully avoided citing militant leaders who were involved in the massacre, the ARSA turning in to a Global Jihadi terror group has been affirmed.

India should urgently review its Myanmar policy in the light of the Amnesty International’s report that has confirmed the killings of 100 Hindus (Kafirs) by the Islamic Jihadi outfit of Myanmar ARSA. This has completely changed the hitherto belief, that the Rohingya Militants objective was to fight the Myanmar Junta regime’s oppression. So Indian Government should revise its stand on the Rohingya refugees in India. The recent visit of India’s External Affairs Minister Smt. Sushma Swaraj, has brought to fore India’s shift in its stand on ‘Rohingya refugees. Sushma Swaraj has insisted ‘safe, secure, and sustainable’ return of Rohingyas from India is a major shift in India’s policy, because India by now succeeded in defining the so-called Rohingya refugees’ as ‘illegal immigrants from Bangladesh” rather than as ‘refugees’ from Myanmar. In the coming days India should be stout in its policy and accordingly present the Government case before the Supreme Court. Hence India cannot take any lenient stand as hence after India will be facing a new entrant ‘jihadi’ outfit inside India.

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