Opposition’s Dirty Caste Games: Pit Hindus Against Hindus and Win Elections

Opposition Caste Hindus

While America is a country of Americans, Australia of Australians and so on, our great country India is sadly a country of people belonging to various religions, castes and languages. While our politicians have always practiced minority appeasement (minority here mainly refers to Muslims) and have treated the majority community (Hindus) with utter disdain by thriving on lack of unity amongst the Hindus, the advent of social media and the 2014 General Elections changed it all. Elections after elections in the last three years have witnessed a larger number of Hindus voting en masse for the BJP, which sadly is the only party that at least claims to represent them. Congress playing the soft Hindutva card in Gujarat with their Janeudhaari President did not find too many takers.

When division along religious lines is no more yielding rich dividends, plan B would be to further divide the Hindus into castes.

When one analyzes closely, the full-fledged execution of Plan B by the Opposition is on. Jat protest in Haryana, the Patidar agitation in Gujarat, Gujjar in Rajasthan are being fueled by this ecosystem. Down South in Karnataka, the proponent of AHINDA politics Siddaramaiah is making a valiant attempt to have the Lingayats break away from the Hindu fold by trying to give them a separate religion. Maharashtra recently witnessed a Dalit agitation in Bhima Koregaon over a 200-year-old war where Dalits joined hands with the British to defeat the Peshwas.

The Opposition, comprising the secular political parties, some of our neutral journalists (the term given to them by General VK Singh is apt) and some self-proclaimed activists, has unequivocally called it an agitation by the Dalits against Brahminism and Manuwaad. Rahul Gandhi wasted no more than a few minutes to announce that the current dispensation is anti-Dalit and anti-minority and hailed the violence that took place.

Sitaram Yechury, a strong proponent of red terror, has also played the atrocities against the Dalits card to the hilt to gain political mileage and to create a caste war. Rajdeep Sardesai is of late racking his crooked and wicked brain on how to convincingly create a narrative that the Dalits in India are still far behind in most fields. Shekhar Gupta, another veteran journalist clearly belonging to the left (Opposition) school of thought, has come up with a narrative that a high caste scamster often escapes with minimum punishment while a low case scamster is given a raw deal. Prashant Bhushan, the shameless activist who from being an anti-corruption crusader is stooping to new lows everyday to vent out his frustration against the fact that we now have a saffron government at the helm, has repeatedly tried to project the Dalits and Muslims as underprivileged. The latest Dalit icon on the block Jignesh Mewani, who along with Umar Khalid of Bharat tere tukde honge fame, was primarily responsible for all that happened in Bhima Koregaon over the last two days, has in the recent past spewed venom on social media with his pro Dalit and anti-establishment rants.

The first conclusion to be drawn from the events of the last two days is that the Opposition has realized that Hindus in this country have finally woken up and mere temple visits and janeu politics is not going to bear any electoral benefits. No self-respecting Hindu will ever vote for the Congress and the other secular parties, who have taken the Hindus for granted in addition to the mega scams. The next step is to pit the Hindus against one another by playing dirty caste games, which is underway as can be seen in the various recent events. The Hindus must guard against such provoking by the Opposition and must stay united. Going forward, one can expect many Bhima Koregaon type incidents in various parts of the country and such anti national elements must be nipped in the buds, something that Devendra Fadnavis did not do. Irrespective of caste and religion, we just cannot identify ourselves as Indians first. The Opposition will ensure we do not.

The next conclusion to be drawn is that while we cannot deny the fact that Dalits faced atrocities by the so called upper caste, today the reverse is also true. Brahmins especially have all the laws and policies going against them with multiple quotas for SC/ST, OBC, EBC etc. A Brahmin, who is not financially well off, gets absolutely no help from the government. The leftists, who so often talk about all the atrocities that have been committed on the Dalits, never mention the atrocities that the Muslim rulers inflicted on Hindus for centuries. Taking that as an analogy, would it make sense to perpetrate violence against the Muslims today? The Dalits and the other communities must realize that they are just used as pawns by the Opposition in the bigger war against nationalism and development.

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