Trudeau’s official delegation to India has a Khalistani among its ranks
Despite the Indian government’s official denials about snubbing Justin Trudeau on his visit to India, a clear message has been sent out. The ...
Despite the Indian government’s official denials about snubbing Justin Trudeau on his visit to India, a clear message has been sent out. The ...
There is a domination of a single narrative over our media, cinema and academia and it refuses to acknowledge the existence of any ...
There is much heated debate going around over the selective Targeting and Shaming of Hindu festivals. They are often trivialized by setting false ...
Finally, long debated issue of banning Burqa has come to an end with a consensus in Denmark’s parliament bringing all political parties to ...
After the advent of social media and with almost all celebrities, journalists and politicians regularly interacting with the public on Twitter, the followers ...
For those of us who have followed the #NotInMyName movement, it always was a communally skewed narrative that portrayed Hindus as oppressors and ...
In the deluge of reportage on the supposedly “random” Facebook post #Notinmyname that went viral and was followed by mobilized protests across 15 ...
After the infamous attempt to brand India as an 'intolerant' nation in 2015, exertions are now being made to portray India as 'Lynchistan', ...
Let me begin by saying that 'The Wire' is as irrelevant a media outlet as it's probable ideological masters. Hence, to probably gain ...
Dear Sagarika Ghose, I read your article on Times where you have written about the various virtues of being a liberal, how the ...
Liberals are again up to what they do best, silencing voices they do not approve of. Of course, they claim to support Freedom ...
During all this while, if one paid close enough attention, he would notice that 'Progressive' virtues have come to be synonymous with Islamic ...
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