The secret to conquering Kerala has been discovered, Amit Shah is finalizing the strategy
When BJP grabbed UP, it had restored its dominance in its traditional Hindi heartland. From Rajasthan to Assam barring Bihar, BJP could register ...
When BJP grabbed UP, it had restored its dominance in its traditional Hindi heartland. From Rajasthan to Assam barring Bihar, BJP could register ...
'Beef season' has become an annual event in India's calendar in recent times. Every time our liberals/rationalists/humanists/activists imagine or perceive a slight from ...
UP election victory was not just about capturing the largest and the most complex state in the country. The win consolidated BJP like ...
Young and liberal SFI students following the path of Mahatma Gandhi dissented the intolerant, goons i.e ABVP members. They peacefully and with their ...
The first thought which comes to mind when one talks about Kerala is the ‘high literacy rate and high HDI’ of the state, ...
Over a hundred years ago, in a letter to his fellow revolutionary - Motilal Roy, Sri Aurobindo remarked, "The intellect of Bengal has ...
Buddha once said, "Three things cannot be hidden, the Sun, the Moon and the Truth" A couple of days back we shared the ...
Communism, irrespective of the various versions, mutations and distortions it has undergone, has religiously followed one of its founding tenets- the belief that ...
There are no prizes for guessing which political ideology was responsible for the highest number of murders around the world. Which political ideology ...
"All yoga exercises can be noticed in dog's body movement.” was the insight provided by CPIM General Secretary Sitaram Yechury regarding the first ...
After the results of the Bihar and Delhi assembly elections, a few oft-quoted statements by the Usual Suspects became a staple diet ...
A section of the Indian population exists which is always over eager to demean the Indian Right-wing, to insult the Indian Right-wing and ...
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