Black Money Recovery: Rs 65,250 crore is just the tip of the iceberg
The matter of Tax evasion or generation of Black money is not exactly News for Indian economy. Rather it’s a known fact that our economy is dual by nature. There is ...
The matter of Tax evasion or generation of Black money is not exactly News for Indian economy. Rather it’s a known fact that our economy is dual by nature. There is ...
My friend Kalpojyoti, a student of Psychology quoted something that sounded like “When provided with contradictory evidence, people tend to support their wrong stands, more vigorously”. Though the statement was on ...
What the peace doves don't understand about war, patriotism and Fawad Khan. The popular story goes that when(few months after 26/11 Mumbai Attacks) Ratan Tata was approached by Pakistani Businessmen he ...
Dear Pakistani friend (not naming you because I want you to be safe), The past fortnight has been difficult for us Indian citizens. While all lives matter, lives of those that ...
Poverty porn is peddling poverty and misery as an art by constructing a narrative around it (its truth isn’t important), presenting the selected components (often the worst ones which can be ...
Even before the details of the surgical attack carried out by Indian Army across LoC are fully out, a section of media is busy estimating the cost of a nuclear war. ...
Every action has a reaction, the equal and opposite part might hold true for objects but it certainly is not the case in diplomacy. 1.25 Billion Indians were waiting for an ...
The acute civilian military disconnect in India is most prominently seen by the public reactions after every terrorist attack (like the latest in Uri, which sadly won't be the last), where ...
In recent times, Mamata Didi has been often accused of supporting and nurturing Islamic fundamentalists in her own backyard. An ordinary person might assume these are the schizophrenic rants of Hindutvavadis ...
Context: Why the hell each and every Pakistani worth his beard reminds the world that they are a 'Nuclear Nation' and one shall not mess with them. Why in the first ...
Yes everyone is angry and why not when 17 of our brave heart soldiers were butchered in Uri, there is bound to have anger spiraling down your blood. The anger is ...
With salutes and flowing tears, Lifeless Jawans lying were many, Draped in uniform and flag, Few Coffins dearly became heavy, As the threat in the air looms and lingers, They protect ...
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