Hamas cheerleaders are getting a lesson of their life
Looks like people around the world have had enough of those who support terrorists, and the Hamas cheerleaders are discovering that the tide has turned against them. From legal actions to ...
Looks like people around the world have had enough of those who support terrorists, and the Hamas cheerleaders are discovering that the tide has turned against them. From legal actions to ...
The second most populous country with a large middle class workforce is a positive aspect for the economy of India. The large workforce means large output, and the large population means ...
In a statement during a hearing regarding hate speech, the Supreme Court gave a very significant remark on the importance of the state. It said that hate speech "is happening because ...
The Allahabad High Court recently granted bail to two men accused of raping a woman in Varanasi in 2019, citing the increasing prevalence of false implication in sexual offences in modern-day ...
MV Ganga Vilas: The West has always exploited and tried to dominate India for its own gain. It is obvious that the exploitation of India's resources has caused a great deal ...
Article 370: Roti, Kapda aur Makaan. These are the three key ingredients that have traditionally dominated the conversation of Fundamental Rights in India. There is a new dimension to it in ...
2023 is a year of high stakes in the political domain as general elections are due for 2024. For parties like the Bhartiya Janata Party, the battle is for retention of ...
Currently, there is a heated debate on insider and outsider in Bollywood. It started with the angst that the nepo-kids received unparalleled advantage over talented actors. But there was a time ...
Realisation of origin point, your current standing and the strengths-weakness vis-a-vis the rival side helps to prepare for future course of action for a long-drawn battle of narratives. The fight between ...
Be it with good moral ethics or disreputable one, some people succeed to retain their grip on the memories of the public. The Veerappan terror stories is one among such — ...
Timely delivery of Justice is the foremost condition for upholding rule of law in any society. But it has been seen that many times, criminals exploit the abundance of rules, procedures ...
Gopal Italia recent video: What, according to you, is the sure-shot way to get success? Talent, acquiring necessary skills, a little luck, and a mix-match of many other things. To put ...
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