NO, China is not Pakistan’s “all-weather ally”
Recently I happened to read ‘JFKs forgotten crisis’ by Bruce Reidal, a book which peeps into Kennedy administration’s handling of the less spotlighted war at the Indo china border in 1962 ...
Recently I happened to read ‘JFKs forgotten crisis’ by Bruce Reidal, a book which peeps into Kennedy administration’s handling of the less spotlighted war at the Indo china border in 1962 ...
In recent times, Mamata Didi has been often accused of supporting and nurturing Islamic fundamentalists in her own backyard. An ordinary person might assume these are the schizophrenic rants of Hindutvavadis ...
First, let me congratulate Nawaz Sharif for many of us heard one Pakistani talking in English for more than fifteen minutes. This speech of Nawaz Sharif would go down in the ...
There is no single societal pattern that one can affix to Lahore’s social and cultural life in the pre - partition era. Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs did share a common Punjabi ...
Instead of beginning flat, let’s picture this:- There is you, and there is this neighbor. You are simple, but sober. All you want is some peace for yourself. But this neighbor ...
Modi's I-day reference to Balochistan has created palpable excitement throughout the nation. The sense of enthusiasm is understandable as most Indians feel that Pakistan has been allowed to take advantage of ...
Bakrid or Eid-Al-Adha is around the corner and it is this time of the year when I feel the most helpless. Lakhs and lakhs of goats would be mercilessly slaughtered in ...
A leopard never changes its spots Malala Yousufzai , in an interview to the Pakistani daily Dawn, has called upon the United Nations and international community to put an end to ...
India and the United States have just signed the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) a tweaked version of the Logistics Support Agreement (LSA). The agreement formalizes an ad-hoc arrangement already ...
A recent development of Jihadi commanders being shot dead by gun wielding Burqa clad women has forced the Sharia advocating ISIS to release an order preventing women in burqa from entering ...
With friends like Pakistan, one doesn't need any enemies. This was the lesson USA learnt in the hard way. From the days when 'Mujahideen' were supported in the credits of Rambo-III, ...
According to the 2011 census the Muslim population in India stands at 17.22 crore which is about 14.2 % of the Indian population. The community has recorded the highest population growth ...
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