A Indian woman tears into Fawad’s conspicuous silence
Dear Fawad, I hope this letter finds you in good health and also sincerely hope that the police are providing you with a security cover. Trust me, I am not a ...
Dear Fawad, I hope this letter finds you in good health and also sincerely hope that the police are providing you with a security cover. Trust me, I am not a ...
When Narendra Modi began raising the issue of human rights violations in Balochistan, sections of the Indian media and intelligentsia were up in arms. Although their disagreement with the prime minister’s ...
A leopard never changes its spots Malala Yousufzai , in an interview to the Pakistani daily Dawn, has called upon the United Nations and international community to put an end to ...
A recent development of Jihadi commanders being shot dead by gun wielding Burqa clad women has forced the Sharia advocating ISIS to release an order preventing women in burqa from entering ...
With friends like Pakistan, one doesn't need any enemies. This was the lesson USA learnt in the hard way. From the days when 'Mujahideen' were supported in the credits of Rambo-III, ...
The G20 founded in 1999, is the global forum for governments and central bank governors from 20 major economies of the world. It aims to study, review, and promote high-level debate ...
To tackle one’s hostile neighbor one has to know the behavior pattern of the neighbor, his economic strength, his inner dynamics within his house and his culture overall. From India’s point ...
Controversy is not new to the union minister of state for culture and tourism Mahesh Sharma. When the former president Abdul Kalam passed away, he made an insensitive comment saying that ...
TR Pachamuthu, chancellor of SRM University was arrested recently. SRM University, Tamil Nadu advertises in all leading national publications about the standard of education provided in their institutions and students from ...
Women and their clothing have long been a matter of contention in society. Men have always regarded the female body as a symbol of social honor and have sought to control ...
What do a now half-blind Kashmiri medical student, a young Syrian boy in Aleppo, and the citizens of Gaza have in common? Many things. The most important one, for both us ...
Modern education may well prove to be the greatest challenge facing Indian civilization today. I’m not talking about India’s eminent intellectuals. Enough ink has been spilt on decrying their intellectual stupidity ...
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