Yogi Adityanath is an enigma, beneath the veneers of a strict disciplinarian, lies an unexplored Ajay Singh Bisht, who left...
Like 2002 was a doomsday for BJP, 2017 is a doomsday for mainstream Bollywood. From big budget charmers, to the...
“Koi dhanda chota nahin hota aur dhande se bada koi dharam nahin hota” - Raees (2017) Shahrukh Khan has not...
While it might not be prudent to infer that there is a paradigm shift in the way Bollywood has been...
A great man once quoted “there is nothing permanent except change”. This applies to every aspect of our life, including...
Pehredaar Piya Ki is a recent TV serial running on prime time (8:30PM) on Sony. The story revolves around a...
Having recovered well from his wounds, sustained after trying to emulate the ideals of Kangana Ranaut against nepotism, courtesy his...
‘The Safety, Honor and Welfare of Your Country comes first...Your Own Ease and Comfort will come last’ This one line,...
Before I begin with the detailed review of the movie, here is the short one: Go and watch it now....
After crossing a sea of hurdles, the much-touted take on the dark periods of Indian emergency by acclaimed filmmaker Madhur...
I remember a conversation with a friend soon after the ugly and very public spat between Sourav Ganguly and Ravi...
A little background: Film Director Karan Johar and actor Saif Ali Khan, who were hosting the IIFA Film Awards, talked...
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