I stumbled upon an article on thewire.in, that screamed “Prime Minister Narendra Modi's decision to skip the 17th Non Aligned...
Venezuela's undergoing economic crisis has been taken to the streets by its hungry citizens. The nation is being torn apart...
1500 years ago, the Shiva Dhanurveda- one of the principal military manuals of the Sri Sri Gupta Mandala- or the...
A leopard never changes its spots Malala Yousufzai , in an interview to the Pakistani daily Dawn, has called upon...
A recent development of Jihadi commanders being shot dead by gun wielding Burqa clad women has forced the Sharia advocating...
With friends like Pakistan, one doesn't need any enemies. This was the lesson USA learnt in the hard way. From...
The G20 founded in 1999, is the global forum for governments and central bank governors from 20 major economies of...
To tackle one’s hostile neighbor one has to know the behavior pattern of the neighbor, his economic strength, his inner...
The year was 1979. Vietnam, at that time was just emerging from the decades of war and bloodshed. Under Morarji...
The partition of British India in 1947 and the emergence of India and Pakistan did not, as was widely claimed...
Poor Baluchistan- so close to Pakistan and so far from liberty. But while the Baluchis do deserve and need our...
Women and their clothing have long been a matter of contention in society. Men have always regarded the female body...
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