Guest Author

Guest Author

Violating humanity

If you are offended by graphic descriptions of sexual activity, please do not read further.   He found her alone in a parking lot. He forced himself on her. He took her out...


The road to hell is paved with good intentions Two young TV journalists, a few years out of journalism school, work under a demanding editor, who has impeccable but always-anonymous sources. They admire...

Wendy Doniger, bendy laws

Keeping a few Nazis off the streets of Skokie will serve Jews poorly if it means that the freedoms to speak, publish or assemble are thereby weakened ~ Aryeh Neie, ACLU Executive Director in 1979,...

दुर्गा सहस्रनाम

प्यारे भैया जी, गाँव से प्रेमपाती आई - मालूम चला आपने उस कलमुंही को निकाल दिया। अच्छा ही किया - कल के बच्चे, ज़रा कलम क्या थमा दो हाथ में, फड़फड़ करने लगते हैं...

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