A shocking incident has come to the fore from Uttar Pradesh’s Hardoi district where a 36-year-old woman, Rajeshwari has allegedly abandoned her husband and six children for a beggar. The extra-marital affair with a beggar has left the entire area of Harpalpur shell-shocked.
According to the aggrieved husband, Raju Kumar, the arrival of a 45-year-old beggar named Nanhe Pandit marked the beginning of this shocking turn of events. Pandit frequently visited the area to seek alms. He then developed an acquaintance with Rajeshwari which slowly grew into a close friendship. Both of them started having frequent communication, in person as well as on the phone.
It got worse when on January 3rd, Rajeshwari left home with the intention not to return home. She had informed his family members that she was going to the market.
Distraught by his wife’s disappearance, her husband Raju, filed a complaint with the police. In his complaint, he stated that Rajeshwari took away the money he had collected by selling his buffalo. He blamed Pandit for her disappearance.
Based on his complaint, the Police filed an FIR at the local post under Section 87 of BNS, charging the beggar for abduction.
A police team led by SHO Raj Dev Mishra is currently investigating the matter. The Police are on the lookout for Pandit to promptly solve the disappearance of Rajeshwari.
The shocking case leaves us with several perplexing thoughts. The fact that a mother of six apparently left her family for a beggar has caused widespread shock and bewilderment. The community is unable to understand her motivations and what this means for her abandoned children.
Perhaps, when the investigation reaches a final conclusion, the entire story behind this weird and disturbing case will finally unravel.