During former CM Akhilesh Yadav’s tenure, a tragic stampede claimed 42 lives in the 2013 kumbh. Back then, the Samajwadi Party government had entrusted Minister Azam Khan to oversee the preparations for one of the largest religious gatherings of the Hindu community, which is by far the largest single-place-single-event gathering anywhere in the world. Following the tragic pandemonium, Khan had to offer his resignation, but appeasement politics came in the way of accountability. Samajwadi Chief Akhilesh Yadav had not only rejected his resignation offer, but also praised him.
Now in a mother of irony, the very leaders who were responsible for this gigantic mishap are questioning the preparations for the upcoming Mahakumbh under the leadership of a devout Hindu and Karma Yogi, Yogi Adityanath. They are leaving no stone unturned in diverting the attention from the mishap of their tenure.
Contrastingly, under CM Yogi, the UP government is ensuring holistic preparations for Maha kumbh 2025. These include stringent vigil with the deployment of over 53,000 police and other security apparatus personnels and tech-savvy management system.
The Yogi government has undertaken a slew of measures for Mahakumbh 2025, some of them are as follows –
E-passes will be issued in 6 colours
The UP government has introduced a colour-coded e-pass system. The aim is to ensure the safety and convenience of devotees at the Prayagraj Mahakumbh. These e-passes are categorised into six different colours. The colour code is designated for specific groups, including devotees, police personnel, akhadas and VIPs.
Also Read: Maha Kumbh Mela: Where Rituals and Holy Dips Embody the Soul of India’s Spiritual Legacy
The colour-coded e-pass system will minimise inconvenience or any potential confusion and ensure smooth coordination.
The administration is also deploying all security measures to ensure the safety of devotees for the Prayagraj Mahakumbh. For this purpose, a fixed quota system is being set up for each category of devotees.
For devotees travelling from both India and abroad, nodal officers are being appointed to oversee the operations.
The UPDESCO has also introduced a new system for issuing vehicle e-passes. The system will involve coordinated efforts from various departments.
Water-tight security arrangements
The government is making sure the security for the Maha Kumbh 2025 is watertight. For this, the Yogi government has implemented a seven-tier security system.
Additionally, temporary police posts and police stations have been set up at key locations. These include major areas of the city, railway stations, bus terminals, airports and important routes. Over 53,000 security personnel have been deployed for Maha Kumbh 2025. This includes more than 37,000 police officers, 1,378 women police officers, 6,887 commissionerate police officers and 7,771 GRP officers.